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Dire Hoarcat Snuggler

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Everything posted by Dire Hoarcat Snuggler

  1. Every Friday this month, we have a $2 tourney! 25 Soulstones, 1 faction - no faction pool limit! Fixed strategies, Gaining Ground Prizes! We start sign-in each friday at 7PM. Rounds are time limited to preserve sanity! January 6, 13, 20, and 27 are go for launch. Directions: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&gs_upl=204l4290l0l4707l6l4l0l0l0l0l184l435l0.3l3l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1136&bih=603&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=0,0,7958286474954855010&fb=1&hq=hat's+games&hnear=0x86d665410b2ced2b:0x73c32d384d16c715,Tucson,+AZ&gl=us&daddr=3921+East+29th+Street,+Tucson,+Arizona+85711&geocode=0,32.199901,-110.908583 Out of towners are welcome! That means you, central AZ! ~J~
  2. That OKKO game looks dead simple! Do stats come with the minis or something? How do you integrate models from other ranges, or with bigger bases? ~J~
  3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pLS8xU4e3Wo/S61UELIHFsI/AAAAAAAABAc/D7eFlO-uY_A/s1600/lady-gaga-mb-promo13.jpg See for yourself... right pelvic region. Totally an ad placement for the Guild! Was that you, Nathan??? :justice ~J~
  4. No one played it here. One or two people bought one or two sets because they liked the look of a few of the minis that were more generic (i.e. the totally-Chinese ones). Other than that, it was a no-go in a city that loves itself some games. ~J~
  5. ... I would have also accepted "On like Michelle Kwan" or "On like Rae Dawn Chong."
  6. Our event this past Monday didn't go off as planned... Everyone was having a crummy evening so we just went over the strategy and schemes together, did a demo for a newbie, and relaxed with other games. End-of-month tourney is still on like Tron!
  7. Quite right, but for now, our next round will be on Friday. This Monday (today!) we have our "Manuscript of Madness" tourney at Dusty's. Here's the unique strategy & schemes... An eldritch horror looms ominously in the shadows of Malifaux, and only one tool exists by which a competent individual may banish it, or worse -- manipulate it to his will. This tool is the Manuscript of Madness, so called for the deeply unsettling effect it has on those who read it. At the center of the table, place a 50 mm Manuscript marker. This does not block line of sight or provide cover, but is impassible terrain. Any significant model partially within 3" is close enough to call on the powers of the Manuscript and challenge it for its knowledge. The manuscript exudes a 3" aura of Terrifying --> 14. This is but the first challenge towards approaching the manuscript! In order to earn points for this strategy, a significant non-Totem Minion or Master must enter the ritual area (the 3" aura) and complete at least three of the following tasks: 1) TERROR (mandatory) - Pass a Terrifying --> 14 test without spending Soulstones. Models immune to Morale duels or Wp duels lose this immunity. 2) COMBAT (option 1) - Fight the guardian demon of the tome... deal Moderate or Severe damage after performing a Melee strike --> Df 14. Use combat total modifiers to determine twists of fate for this damage flip. If this duel fails, the model performing the strike receives an uncheatable Dg 2/4/6 that ignores armor and counts as a Magical attack. 3) ARCANE (option 2) - Summon the eldritch power to bend it to your will. CC 14. If this duel fails, the model performing the action receives Paralyzed. 4) INVESTIGATION (mandatory) - Perform a (1) interact to gain a number of clue tokens equal to the following fate flip (may not be cheated) --> Black Joker (0), Weak (1), Moderate (2), Severe (3), Red Joker (3+ flip again!). May not be performed unless the model has previously succeeded in two of the other tasks. Clue tokens must be returned to your deployment zone by the character who gained them. Clue tokens dropped by a character are lost permanently and may not be transferred. Models with clue tokens may not Transform, be Placed, Sacrificed, etc. without losing their Clue tokens, and models moving by means other than a normal Walk (e.g. flying, floating, pushing) will drop their clue tokens immediately. Models who die, are sacrificed, or made Insignificant lose their Clue tokens. Models who are buried DO NOT lose their clue tokens, but if still buried at the end of the game, cannot count as having held them in their own deployment zone. VP: (+2) One or more significant Minions or Masters have gained clue tokens from the Manuscript of Madness (losses don't count against you!). ... or (+4) One or more significant Minions or Masters are holding clue tokens in your deployment zone at the end of the game. An additional (+1) if you have more Clue tokens than your opponent. SCHEMES: (+2) Guild - 3 or more Minions or Masters have gathered clue tokens. Arcanists - 3 or more Minions or Masters have won an ARCANE duel against the Manuscript. Resurrectionists - 3 or more Minions or Masters have won a TERROR duel against the Manuscript. Neverborn - 3 or more Minions or Masters have won a COMBAT duel against the Manuscript. Outcasts - 3 or more Minions or Masters have caused an enemy Minion or Master to drop their Clue tokens, or have killed, buried, or sacrificed an enemy Minion or Master carrying a Clue token. ~J~
  8. Bought it. Love it. Also using it as a pretty add-on package to Uncharted Seas ~J~
  9. Note that this changes our previous event data for tournaments, but does not pre-empt our themed league campaign, described here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=25573 ~J~
  10. Sunday the 16th - Box opening demo for Puppet Wars! Come see how this awesome game works and get your first look at all the pretty shiny things inside! Game Daze @ Park Place Mall, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Monday the 17th - "Manuscript of Madness" tournament - Halloween brings us a Lovecraft-themed strategy and special scheme challenge! Takes place at Amazing Discoveries, 5:30 - 9:30 PM. $5 buy-in, scaling prize pool. 1 Master, 35 Soulstones. We'll meet at Hat's Games instead of Dusty closes for football! Friday the 28th - "Manuscript of Madness" tournament. Hat's Games, 7 PM - 11 PM. Same rules as the above. That's all for now! Stay tuned here for updates on each of these events! ~J~
  11. Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries are both going to have Halloween themed league this month! I have finished editing a set of 4 story encounters for the month involving 4 masters surviving wave after wave of horrifying monsters. Rules sheets for Mission 1 are to be made available at each store (Friday at Hat's, Monday at Dusty's). Once you've played Mission 1 and signed off on the results on a playsheet, you can play Mission 2 and so on... Mission 4 is a bonus mission. Points schemes for the campaign are available on our Facebook group and I'll post them in the stores if necessary. The top player for the Horde and for the Masters side will each receive a prize this month! ~J~
  12. EDIT: These events have been re-formatted and reposted in another thread. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?p=325721#post325721
  13. That might be a bit OT due to the OP. I will remind the people who post here that this discussion has a specific range of mini games to talk about, and the discussion is based on those skirmish games which are affordable, small-scale, can fit in one small carry-on, are popular, and are regularly found in LGSs. Carry on with any further commentary after reading the OP if necessary. ~J~
  14. I'll see everyone tonight! This is gonna be another awesome tourney! ~J~
  15. Great brief reviews! I'm agreeing so far with most all of these comments. Hell Dorado is great, quick, brutal fun. The problem is with that one getting over the paper-rock-scissors effect. With Anima, there are some very obvious builds that work better than others, and a few really bizarre combinations that stomp everything into the ground. This can be objectionable if you're not adequately prepared for it. I've liked my minimal exposure to Pulp City so far, but I would like its model range and its rules to improve... couldn't tell you specifically how, but ... yeah. ~J~
  16. @Eyespy - my gf and I have a full set of Pirates and Goblins going. We HAVE YET TO PLAY A SINGLE GAME OF IT, however! ... still need another one of the unique "spanish" fate decks, and at nearly 14 USD a pop, that's not high on my list of priorities. Goblin box alone was almost 65 USD, and then some of the single minis are nearly 20 bucks (#*&@# PIRATE QUEEN!!!). The import overheads and the fact that Werner can't make heads un-fat and hands of the right scale might be a turn-off to some, but with the entire range being his minis, that turns right around and gives the whole game a surreal and consistent stylization, and doesn't bother me so much in particular. Some of the aspects of gameplay I remember from my first read-through seem kind of neat, if not being altogether representative of real pirate fights ... so I can't really speak much on gameplay either, I guess. ~J~
  17. My computer was stuck on loading my update to the thread before and after I opened my laptop, so there is my answer. I've edited it to say something else now ~J~
  18. Thanks, Mr. Smigs, for your reviews! I have to agree for the most part about Anima... it's VERY pretty (model-wise), but the rules are just kind of an accessory to the theme. It does play a lot like a team-battle of Final Fantasy, but that's its one redeeming quality. Some of the combos are just plain broken, unfortunately ~J~
  19. So EdWeird and I are going to be playtesting V2 Infinity for the LGS today. I have the sectorial packs for Bakunin (Nomads), Military Orders (PanOceania), and Hassasin (Haqq-Islam). All I need to do now is dig up a few d20s and something that measures in cm! @_____@ Has anyone played Infinity's 2nd edition? Any thoughts? ~J~
  20. THIS FRIDAY IN TUCSON, AZ..... Hat's Games hosts another awesome tournament for prizes and glory! $5 buys you in 6:30 is the sign-in time, 7:00 starts the tourney FORMAT: 25 Soulstones, 1 MASTER ONLY, unlimited Minion pool - HOWEVER - no Mercenary hires (unless they are an in-faction Minion with Merceanary rules!) The prize pool is derived from the total attendance, so bring buddies! This will be another awesome tournament!!! The strategy and scheme will be pre-determined: One shared strategy for everyone, and a specially-themed scheme for each faction. You will see........ >__> .............. ~J~
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