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Posts posted by Werecat

  1. Welcome to Wyrd!

    Gremlins are super cool. Good choice man! A word of caution though: They are VERY different, and a little hard to get down. So don't give up! Once they click, they're awesome.

    If you're getting frustrated, check out this thread:


    A HUGE amount of info there. Gremlins are one of the most thematic models I've seen in any game, so I hate to see people give up on them too quickly. Let us know how things go!

  2. Good to hear! Malifaux is a super fun game, for sure. It's very different from your big name games out there. It works as both a side game if you're in to something else, but also has the depth to be your main game if you so choose.

    Welcome to the boards! Make sure to post the pics of your gremlins when they're painted!

  3. I don't entirely agree with the comments about the Necrotic Machine. It's cool and all, sure. But I would never EVER take it over the Chihuahua with McMourning, and I'd have a hard time leaving out the Copycat Killer with Seamus. I may take it with Nicodem, but that may be because I've never had much luck with the vultures, I guess.

    Anyway, yes. The Necrotic Machine is in Rising Powers. Like most of the rising powers stuff, a model has not been released quite yet.

    I think if you had one Rogue Necromancy and two flesh golems, you'd be set. You'd be hard pressed to summon more than that in a single game. And if you are, then McMourning isn't in there slicing stuff up.

  4. Welcome welcome! Good to see a new Outcast player. Unlike a lot of other games out there, the mercs in this game are actually competent as a stand alone force, so good to see people playing them.

    Try searching "victoria" on the forum search tool, and you should find lots and lots of cool lists and tactics, since the girls are definitely talked about a lot.

    Again, welcome to the boards!

  5. So you don't want it to be correct you just want to do it as a group even if it's horribly wrong? What's even the point of making a tier list in that case? Do we just like making things that serve no purpose and wastes people time for a product that doesn't work?

    That's great if you don't like me or think I'm an obnoxious prick. I don't care, I have the arguments posted to back my talk. If you don't agree with it, challenge it; the facts don't lie. Find something that doesn't work in my argument, please do, in fact I want you to, so I can better find the problems and learn how to fix it.

    I lol'd.

  6. Thanks. I usually play mini games for models, not to win. I'll give it a good try and never quit...but my heart is usually in the models and terrain, not the victories. LOL :P

    Ha ha, that's the way to be! And if that's how you play, then there's no better faction than our little green friends.

    As for the master smilies, just use a ":" and then the name.

    For example, ":" + "ophelia" = :ophelia

    : + teeth =:teeth

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