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Posts posted by Werecat

  1. Hello Wyrd

    I have the following up for sale or trade. I will sell at 60% of retail. If you take the whole lot, I'll pay shipping. All models are painted unless stated otherwise (pictures in link below!)


    Nicodem (unpainted)

    Vultures x2

    Zombie Chihuahua

    Grave Spirit

    Mindless Zombies x6 (half painted)

    Punk zombies x3

    Necropunks x3

    Canine Remains x4 (unpainted)



    Bete Noir

    Flesh Construct x2

    Nurse x2 (one unpainted)

    Crooked Men x3 (unpainted)

    The Hanged x2

    Pictures here: http://s438.photobucket.com/albums/qq106/werecat_rising999/Malifaux/

    That lot would retail for over $230. I'll sell the lot for $150. Or, you can take part of it, as long as you're willing to pay shipping.

    Finally, I'd also be happy to trade, retail for retail. Here's the list of what I want:


    Minders and Steamfitters Union box

    Electrical Creation

    Extra steampunk arachnids

    The Showgirls box

    The Order of the chimera box



    The Ortegas Gunslinger box

    Guild Austringer

    Death Marshals


    Mercenaries boxed set

    Student of Conflict

    There you have it gentlemen! Please email or PM if interested!

  2. Von Schill is all about the raw damage potential. Getting as many shots with that clockwork seeker is what it's all about. If Von gets tied up, use augmented jump, move away with his nimble move, then unload.

    The librarian is an interesting piece, but it hasn't done anything for me that's justified it's cost, so far.

    The freikorpsmen are... Ok. Nothing stupendous about them. I look at them, and I look at the death Marshals, and I get a tad confused.

    For me, it's all about the specialists and the trappers. That's where it's at. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I think the way to go is to use Von with other masters. The Victorias, a few Ronin, then von schill, a specialist, and two or three trappers. I think that may be just the ticket.

    Von Schill is great. I just don't think he has the juice to run his own crew.

  3. Thanks for the welcome!

    As far as faction background, all you need to know is that my wife says I have no compassion. So I tend towards the witch-hunter, GW Black Templars, inquisitors (in both fantasy and sci-fi), and so on. I guess in Malifaux, that would mean the Guild. :) Not sure yet which of the Guild crews appeals to me the most. I do like aspects of all of them. The Wild West feel of the Ortegas is sweet, but the Grave Marshals are just flat out awesome models!

    I like to be a self-contained gamer, so I'll need to collect an opposing force as well. As I mentioned, I'd like to be able to play some games with the kids, and besides, in all honesty, I am not a huge fan of gore. So probably the Resurrectionists and Neverborn are out. I am leaning towards Arcanists (Cult of December) and Outcasts (the Steamfitters Guild).

    Lastly, I'll probably get some mercenaries to mix things up a bit (I'm leaning towards the Viktorias boxed set - because those figures are just plain terrific!).

    As far as playing style, I usually prefer a balance between shooty and melee, tending more towards shooty. And I tend not to use a whole lot of magic - I put my faith in my trusty old six-shooter rather than in some hocus-pocus!

    I've not yet read the rules, so I am at a bit of a loss as to what I'll need to start (what is the points value of an average crew, how many points do different models cost, which models go together in the various factions, etc.) I am also looking for more background information. I've read the three volumes of the Chronicles, but I am a bit disappointed to not see more fluff on the website. I know that generally mixing characters from different factions is a no-no, but among the Arcanists, for example, which figures go with the Cult of December and which go with Lilith?

    Another question: since I use figures from several different gaming systems and I mix and match using various rulesets, I try to base all my figures, regardless of origin, uniformly. I use a 25mm round base. How important is it in terms of the rules for Malifaux figs to be based on 30mm bases?

    Thanks in advance for the info, and for the welcome. Between family, work, church, etc., my time is spread pretty thin (I know, join the club!). But I will try to make an effort to get on over to Giga-bites one Saturday soon to see how Malifaux works, and hopefully I'll run into Drew while I am there.

    Best thing to start with is a basic starter box for whichever masters you end up choosing. That's definitely the best way to learn the game.

    As for standard game size, we tend to run at about 35 stones. Not sure what others run, but that's how we roll.

    Base size is important. Having a smaller base than your opponent has several distinct advantages and disadvantages. So yes, should be on the correct base size.

    Oh, and there's oodles and oodles of rad fluff in both the core rulebook and Rising Powers, so definitely check that out.

  4. Hey everyone!

    Been planing for awhile to use some silicone molds to create some ice pillars for Rasputina. I'm hoping that someone out there has experience doing this, and could answer a few specifics for me.

    First off, What sort of silicone should I use for the mold? Should I just use stuff from the hardware store?

    Second, I'll be building the initial model out of foam, and I assume I'll need some sort of releasing agent. Any ideas on that? Can I use something as simple as cooking spray?

    And finally, I'm planning on using some sort of water effect product for terrain making. Anyone have any experience with that? Any reason I should be using something else?

    Thanks in advance guys!

  5. Are you grading JUST Ramos himself or his crew? I got my ass kicked by Ramos when I played him... but it was only the second or third game for both of us. He seems to have a lot of nice abilities though.

    In my experience, Ramos' crew are the ones to carry the weight. Ramos is... sort of boring as a master. But with superstars like the steamborg and Joss, Ramos just tends to sit back, summoning spiders and electrical creations, and throw out the occasional Electrical Fire. Nothing wrong with that, IMO. I just like my masters to take a more leading role in the game.

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