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Posts posted by Werecat

  1. I think you waste time... if you are doing missions it is important to move forward

    It really doesn't require much hanging back. You can easily keep McMourning up, and get the neccesary body part counters, and have the construct summoned turn two. If you were ok with Mcmourning standing still for a single turn, you could do it first turn. Turning a 2 SS dog into a 7 SS construct is never a bad idea, atleast once a game.

  2. Hee hee...

    Good reports! Hang in there, McM isn't the easist Master for the Res, I've had tough times with him as well.

    Ha ha, wow. I'm such a creature of habbit.

    There are no dice....

    There are no dice....

    There are no dice....

    There are no dice....


    Anyway, yeah, I think I'm getting the feel with Mcmourning, but he's going to be difficult to really master. I should have Nicodem sometime next week, so we'll take him out for a spin. But I REALLY want to try out Seamus. He's so straightforward and brutal, I love it.

  3. Alright boys, got my second and third games in, and I'm just starting to get a hold of things.

    First game was against Shell and her Seamus boxed set. I switched out one nurse in my McMourning box for two canine remains. first turn involved the nurse putting speed on a canine remains, and on his second activation the dog tried to munch a Belle, but failed and was removed at the end of the turn. Everyone else advanced, and I put my flesh construct in the wrong place, and he ended up having to ceaslessly advance right into contact with Seamus. Next turn, Seamus waxed the construct, and things slowly died. I summoned another flesh construct, and he ended up waxing Sybelle, and tied up a bunch of the belles. The game ended when I used scalpel slinging to get into base with Seamus, and two dissections later, failing to kill. We're not sure whether we used the prevention on soulstones correctly(hence the topic in the rules forum), but it was a fun game none the less, even though it was my second loss. 0-2 baby!

    Next game was against Brett and the Lilith boxed set. This was his very first game, and he hadn't finished reading the rulebook yet, so it's even more embarassing that he still had me on my toes, ha ha. But with some ridiculous dice flips, i came out on top. I took out both nurses, and took 4 canine remains. I got lucky with the Flesh construct doing 6 damage to the Mature nephilim, and a canine remains doing 4 on the charge, finishing him off. The terror tots were able to finish the construct, and lilith pulled a great transposition move, leaving Mcmourning in liliths range, but he unfortunately failed to kill him, and 3 dissections later, she was dead.

    All in all, a good couple of games. I think we're still making alot of mistakes. We're still not sure what all the situations that you can use a soulstone are, but we're working through it. Next week I'll get my shipment of models, and I'll have ALOT more options, and things should get really interesting.

  4. That's one of your problems... two nurses with only one flesh construct doesn't allow for the nurses to be very productive (them being support units and all)... Try removing one and adding in some canine remains, punk zombies, or belles instead, and I think you will find McMourning will become a much more dangerous opponent. ;)

    Yeah, that's for freaking sure. It was both of our first games, so we just decided to do the boxes. Little did we realize that his box was very well balanced, and mine was not ;) I have canine remain proxies that I'll slide in for our game on wednesday. Then all my punk zombies and stuff should be getting here by the weekend, so then I can REALLY start playing. The gloves are off now!

    Thanks again guys for all the help. I love being a part of this tight online community before it gets massive. It'll be fun to be one of the "old guys", ha ha.

  5. Nice, thanks guys! I think the lack of ranged is a big deal, and I'll be throwing in the gunslinger as soon as he gets in this week.

    And khail, what do you mean by Dog bombs? Are you talking about digs with the nurses? I do have some models that I'm using as a proxy for dogs, so I'll give that a try too. My biggest problem is that right now, the nurses really don't have anything to do with themselves, as there really aren't any targets for their massive doses. Dogs will help with that, methinks.

    For the moment, I'm sticking with McMourning, as I want to get to know each master REALLY well before I move on to another. Plus, If I can beat her with McMourning, then it'll be much easier to beat her with Nicodem and Seamus, both of which I think have a bit better tools against her. But, I will be throwing in a belle or two with Mcmourning, so that should make things easier.

  6. So, my main opponent plays pandora. We're still just doing the boxes, but I got brutalized. And that was BEFORE he really figured out how they really work, so it should be even worse! :) I'm playing the McMourning box set, and I'm really struggling. Does anyone have any sort of tips or strategies on how to best handle them?

  7. Well. it finally happened! Our local gaming group got our Malifaux order in, and we played our very first game. It was me, with the Mcmourning starter, and Zerosoul, with Pandora's box set.

    Things did not go swimingly for me, to say the least.

    We set up, and both of us flipped assasination, and i took the undead scheme, and he chose kidnap. I could tell things weren't going well when one of his spells cause my flesh construct to fall back first turn, and Sebastion to fall back second turn, ha ha. I realized that the Mcmourning box set really isn't very optimized. The nurses aren't very effective when you don't have any models you're willing to sacrifice, ha ha. But it was alot of fun. Highlights include the flesh construct smacking baby kade, and making the adjacent sorrow explode. The game almost ended in my favor when mcmourning got off his scalpel throw, yanking pandora into base to base, only to flip the black joker on damage, when I had the cards I needed to do the full 10. Blast! Mcmourning was, of course, quickly waxed by that brutal little baby kade. That guy is INSANE!. I also realized that I usually have to throw down some pretty big cards from my hand to get Monstrous Creation off. I was planning on having several dogs on the field within a few turns, and only ended up with one.

    Anyway, it was ALOT of fun, despite it taking forever while we constantly chacked the rulebook, ha ha. I know one thing for sure, I'll be switching out one nurse for a couple of canine remains, and most likely the second for a punk zombie. I think that'll do me alot more good, methinks. Anyway, this is awfully rambling, so I appologize, but I'm fried after the game, ha ha.

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