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Posts posted by Werecat

  1. It lives.... IT LIVES!

    Sorry to dig this thread up, but I figured it was better than starting a whole new thread, ha ha.

    So yeah, Malifaux play has been picking up with rising powers, so my painting has swung back to the ol' crew. Here's some pictures of the stuff I've painted since last update.

    Easily my most used model, the one, the only, Bette Noir


    The Necropunks:




  2. I've never allowed my Student to get into the fray

    I usually keep him with my shooters or my multi attackers

    A trapper with fast is MEAN. 3 of those brutal ranged attacks, with up to 9" of repositioning? Pretty sure trappers are my favorite freikorps entry.

    Unless we were to discover that the Rare 1 on the specialists was a typo, ha ha.

  3. HAHAHAhahaha

    Do not get that started up again!

    Ha ha, yeah, should have known better.

    But for the record, I am a big fan of battlefoam product. I own a 720 and it's fantastic. There was even a problem with the order, and Romeo was very kind when I spoke to him directly. They took care of me, even though it was my mistake that caused the problem. So yeah, regardless of what happens behind the scenes and whether you agree or disagree with how they run things, battlefoam makes quality product and they have solid customer service.

  4. What are peoples experiences with the Librarians? I think they're solid, but I feel like I'm missing something... All I use them for, really, is the additional card and magical buffer. And, on occasion, Healing energy and ancient words. All her other abilities are very situational, it seems.

    Also, have you guys been using the totems with him? I can't see the use of the Malifaux child, but the student of conflict has been stellar. Two zero actions, one move action, and 3 general actions? Wow.

  5. I played a mix bag of them

    and did well,(Still lost 'cause of a reallay bad control hand)but

    Vonschill is super moble!

    and quite nice against the Neverborn who can zoom up on you... being able to back up with his quasi flight/nimble after a nasty strike and allow the Flame thrower to balst away is a great trick

    a little light on HP and low on WP for my taste but the Librarian helps with that

    I plan to keep them in varing degrees in my squad for our leagu to keep my opponents on their toes

    What sort of Neverborn build did you go against? I played against a Lilith list with Nekima, a blackblood shaman, and a bunch of tots and youngs. The new stuff lets them get those nephilim up to mature so fast, it was rough. I just didn't have the power to chew through them before they got to me.

  6. Anyone have any play experience with the Freikorps? I've proxied them a bit, and they've been a ton of fun. The biggest problem I've had when running purely Freikorps with Von Schill is a lack of hitting power against really heavy stuff. I'll be trying out Taelor or Misaki with them to help alleviate that.

    The trappers are fantastic, though.

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