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Posts posted by Werecat

  1. Very cool. All of your stuff looks awesome. Just curious, what colors did you use on Mcmournings apron?

    Thanks man!

    It's been awhile since I painted him, but I'm pretty sure it was a base of P3 'jack bone, with 2-3 coats of Devlan mud over the top. Then I just flicked on some Baal red for the blood spatters.

    It was either that, or P3 beast hide with one coat of Devlan Mud, ha ha.

  2. I agree that almost every master wants their totem.

    +++ on the body snatchers box needing canine remains. That's one of the worst crews right out of the box(neck and neck with the gremlins box) but two blisters of canine remains fixes that quite nicely.

    For the record, I think all the ressurectionist boxes could use a handful of canine remains.

  3. Believe me my skin is thick and my feelings are definately not hurt, meerly pointing out that it is always easy to criticize when looking from the outside and after the fact.

    Now that's an entirely different matter, and I agree with you entirely. But a word of caution derived from experience:

    1) no matter how hard you try, you're going to miss stuff.

    2) no matter how close you get to perfect you get, people are still going to bitch and and say you suck.

    All I know is that if I was a play tester, I certainly wouldn't broadcast it :)

    But for the record, I think you guys did a bang up job, for the most part. I think a lot of the fundamental imbalances from book one where patched up quite nicely.

  4. You should be a bit more careful (and considerate) with criticisms against volunteer playtesters, a lot of us put a substantial amount of effort and time into the development and playtesting of the Rising Powers releases.

    If you're going to be a playtester, you probably shouldn't let your feelings get hurt so easily.

  5. OK... +1 for WarMachine proxys.

    Here are some I thought of when this was suggested, even though I do not have the book, I will allow those that do to pass judgement based upon the concept art/rules.

    Cygnar - Solo - Squire:


    Khador - Warcasters - Old With of Khador and Scrapjack:


    Mercenaries - Warcaster - Gorten Grundback (Battlegroup, 3 smaller jacks):



    Alternatively, if you do not wish to invest heavily into WM, the Grundback Mercs also have 2 packs of Gunners and Blasters:



    The Cygnar Squire is my pick based upon looks and would sit well with Ramos' spiders. The Scrapjack is very steampunk (boiler and chimney floos).

    The others are also suitable size, however, Im unsure on the concept art.


    Just FYI, the squire is the only one of those models that is on a 30mm base. Everything else is on 40mm.

  6. This explains alot. Thanks.

    Im still a bit iffy on the expansion so soon after the Core Rules... some new players are still learning and now will need to double their intake, which is a bit excessive for newbies, considering getting your head around the activation and game system is enough in itself.

    1 year is plenty of time for an expansion. That's how PP does it, and it works great. Besides, there were some balance issues that needed to be addressed, and the new book did that wonderfully. And people need new toys, or they get bored.

    There are ALWAYS going to be new players coming in. You can't put of an expansion just for new players.

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