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Posts posted by Haight

  1. The thing about alyce is that she provides a levi list with a lot of things that it likes to have or even straight out lacks.

    1) Good shooting. Not many levi lists have this, so Alyce is valuable in that respect. Her shooting is pretty damn respectable between her CB, triggers, and damage potential.

    2) She can take care of herself. With booby traps et al, she can take care of herself. Put her in some cover and then use her zero spells to apply to any given situation, and she's a piece that levi doesn't need to worry about much.

    3) Draw power. I cannot underestimate this. It's probably the number one reason i take her. And not only just from her proximity mechanic - "nothing to live for" is a great draw mechanic as well.

    4) Alternate source of SPA generation - excellent to keep your weenie engine going, but need Leveticus to be doing other things this turn.

    5) Another caster with 7 CA (remember, she gets levi's CA when with him), which helps her cast her spells.

    Is she a "must"? Well, no, you are not compelled to take her. However at 8 points, for all the things she does for leve, and the amount of holes she helps fill in, she is a bargain and a half for leve. There is a very, very good reason that for any other master other than Ramos she costs ten. She's a really well rounded piece with a lot of potential.

    So no, she's not a must, because she's not compulsory, but I can't imagine playing leve without her. It seems like it would make the game much more difficult without really returning any net positive result.

    Additionally - exactly what will you add to a leve list for 8 points that will add more to it than Alyce will, that also won't be redundant in some way ? :)

    -- haight

  2. NoSignal definitely has the right of it. As long as you hold onto death's lessons for your last thing you do, you only need to have incurred 5 wounds, which is very very easy to do with leveticus.

    There are a LOT of ways to burn leveticus out. Frankly, i'm at the point where burning him out is not the issue - its doing everything that needs to get done that turn BEFORE i get burnt out. :)

  3. Wow, Haight. That is very thorough. I was just looking at our man last night, and thinking he'd be fun as hell to play. Good tips here, I'll have to try some of em out.


    No problem - if you have any finer points or questions you want answered, please feel free to post. I am lucky that he just "clicked" with me, and i've had a high degree of success wrapping my head around him. He is really not so hard to use as people think if you keep the above points in mind. :)

    But please, feel free to post questions, and i'll be more than happy to post my thoughts (which usually foments good point and counter point from others too!).

    Used well, Leve is disgustingly powerful, and used properly he is a royal pain in the ass for any crew to handle.

    -- haight

  4. 1) Favorite: Food, if you had to pick 1 item to eat as your last meal, this is your prefect food:

    A big, bloody, nearly still mooing cut of T-bone steak or filet mignon.

    2) Favorite: Type (nationality) of Cuisine

    Tough call. Probably Italian.

    3) Favorite: Breakfast

    Bagel with cream cheese and a cup of really good quality coffee.

    4) Favorite: Lunch

    Rare Italian roastbeef sandwhich with gouda cheese, romaine lettuce, and gourmet spicy honey mustard, with a crisp dill pickle, and a side of pita chips with red pepper hummus.

    5) Favorite: Dinner

    Chicken marsala with roasted half cut rosemary red potatoes, and portabella mushrooms, with a good strong dark beer. Or two. Or three. :D

    6) Favorite: Desert

    Chocolate mousse pie or sour jelly belly jelly beans.

    7) Favorite: Drink (non-alcoholic)


    8) Favorite: Alcoholic Drink

    Samuel Adams Oktoberfest seasonal ale.

    9) Favorite: You're ordering a meal that can be prepared anywhere from mild to super spicy, what would you usually choose

    The more spicy the better. I make out-of-the-box Mac'N'Cheese with a tablespoon of chili powder, an 8th of a bottle of tobasco sauce, crushed red cayenne pepper, and red pepper flakes.

    10) Favorite: Pizza (list all the things you'd put on your ideal pizza)

    Barbeque Chicken pizza with parmesan cheese lightly drizzled on top.

    11) Favorite: Fruit or vegetable


    12) Favorite: Your favorite restaurant and why (and where it is, so if we're ever in your part of the world we can go there!)

    Kartabar in Providence. Great mediteranean food (best pesto gnocchi you will EVER have), good atmosphere and aesthetic, and fantastic drinks. And it's in a part of the city i really like. Best of all, the walls are really cool wooden accordian type, so in summer time, the entire restaurant is completely open air.

    13) Favorite: Guilty pleasure food (something you probably wouldn't admit you like but you can't help it)

    Lindt chocolate truffles. I buy them for my girlfriend, but i polish off just as many as she does.

    14) Favorite: Type/cut of meat

    Bloody. Don't care which cut (though i like filet mignon and T-bone, as well as porterhouse), as long as its barely dead, and only just very recently stopped mooing, and has only barely assumed room temperature, i'm good.

    15) Favorite: Sandwich (construct your ideal sandwich, list everything)

    Described above in lunch.

    16) Least Favorite: Fruit or Vegitable, something you always avoid

    Cooked carrots. Mushy and with none of the deliciously refreshing taste of raw carrots.

    17) Least Favorite: Food item that was absolutely the worst thing you have ever tried to eat

    Cavilta fish.

    18) Least Favorite: Drink (alcoholic or otherwise)

    Dr. Pepper. That shit is battery acid.

    Alcoholic: Mojito's. Anyone who orders a drink that takes 15 minutes to make if you are making it properly is one of three things: 1) merrily clueless, 2) has no respect for anyone else at the bar, or 3) pretentious. ;)

    19) Least Favorite: Type/cut of meat

    I really don't like pork chops. Which is odd, because i like all the other parts on a pig.

    20) Least Favorite: Type (nationality) of Cuisine

    I could personally do without vietnamese. Of all the asian cuisines i have tried, it was the most unappetizing.

    21) Memorable: What is your most memorable dining experience? (this doesn't have to be due to the food, could be due to the circumstances surrounding it, for example a date, or end of a fast, etc...)

    First time i ever went to the capital grille for Cigar and Steak night. They matched my cognac to my cigar and my steak, and it was excellent.

  5. 1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it):

    28 Weeks Later, watched it last night. No I would not recommend it. It wasn't "bad" per se, but the original is much better. The characters were great, and intriguing, but JUST as you are starting to really like them,or they have the potential to forward the story and understanding of the plague, WHAM, they get killed off. Which is fine, its more horror than suspense, so the removal of fail safe is intrinsic to the genre, but still, it annoyed me after the Mother, Father, Doyle, and Scarlet all got done in.

    Additionally OMFG FORESHADOWING. Could that movie use that technique ANY more ? It got annoying.

    C+. Original was B+.

    2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

    Oh god. How much time you got ?

    Michael Collins, Lord of the Rings, Munich, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Zodiac, Sweeny Todd, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Rescue Dawn, The Professional, Valkyrie, Band of Brothers, The Prestige, .... tons really. I'm a movie buff. I had a collection of over 700 DVD's at one point.

    3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

    Trainspotting. Great movie. Depressing as all hell.

    3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

    The Hobbit animated movie. It's soooo seventies out and cheesy, and deviates from the book quite a bit, and the DVD is horrendous in quality, but man, the songs are worth it alone.

    4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre

    Dramatic Suspense Thrillers. Not horror, not action, but the movies that make you think while paying keen attention to suspenseful rising action.

    5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.


    6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

    Half Baked. :) I am not a stoner, but goddamn, i must have watched that with my best friend at the time in college on any night we didn't have anything better to do, and it was still funny every goddamn time. I still use lines from that movie to this day.

    7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

    Sci-Fi: Toss up between Star Wars and The Matrix and Ghost in the Shell / 2nd Gig if we're talking works as a whole. Singular ? Bleck.... i don't even know.

    Fantasy: Lord of the Rings.

    8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

    Movie ? I dunno. I don't watch too many animated movies that aren't kids stuff. Probably Finding Nemo because my son loves it.

    If shows are okay, definite toss up between GitS and Tri-gun. And i'm not even a big anime guy either.

    9 was pretty good too, if short.

    9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

    Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Arc

    10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

    Oh god. :P I have no idea. I like dark movies that encourage you to think, or completely inane crap - neither of which are really conducive to dating. My girlfriend likes most of the same movies I do, too, so I am not even sure.

    11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

    DVD. Theatres are packed with rude Phillistines these days. The only way i go to the theaters is if its a movie that i really think would be better seen on a gigantic screen with a truly professional sound system rather than on my HDTV and home theater rig. It's pretty rare these days.

    12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

    None, really. I like a lot of them, but no real "favorite".

    13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

    Ditto as above.

    14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

    I hate to say it because i love his earlier work, but man, any movie from the last 5 years with Jason Statham in it gives me pause. Even Revolver was pretty awful. He's become a low rent, low budget action star, which is pretty crappy because when given a good script and direction he's a pretty decent actor. Vin diesel is another one where i'll just usually say "no thanks".

    15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

    Meghan Fox or Scarlet Johanssen. Grrrooowwl! ;)

    16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

    No thanks. ;)

    17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

    David Fincher. Only flick of his i haven't liked was panic room. And that was more because i hate jarred leto and jodi foster.

    18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

    I'd like to make something epic - a story spanning several movies that is greater than the sum of its parts. I'd like to tell a fantasy story that isn't pretensious or unapproachable for the common person, or a sci fi movie that explores deeper themes than anthropomorphic furries and pew pew noise making guns.

    19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

    David Fincher or Del Toro.

    20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

    Depends on the movie... really i'm more about the correct visuals and depiction than i am about star draw power. I'd rather have an unknown nail the role than a big name on the marquis.

    If there was a deadpan role in the movie, then Robert Downey Jr. would be in. His last series of films have been awesome, and he does deadpan very well.

    If a wizened Bad Ass MF'er was required, Liam Neeson.

    For a smart ass, i'd like the guy from the matrix that played the Merovingian. I might require he do a french accent. :D

    For a nervous crazy guy, i'd do the guy that's in Band of Brothers who tells the FUBAR bomber story (he was also in Seven as the living survivor of the Lust sin crime). He does nervous wreck crazy sumbeetch really, really well.

    21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

    CGI if they are done REALLY well, but that's a recent development in the last few years. Otherwise, model based.

    Awesome Thread - keep these coming. :)

    -- haight

  6. It's a nice sculpt, but the hands are out of scale to a freakish degree. It's solidly 1.5 times the size of the span of her chin to forehead, and that's too large for hands.

    Everything else about it is gorgeous (the clothing in particular is very nicely sculpted and realistic), but sadly the open hand is nearly the focal point of the mini, and thus the scale issue with it just hits you right between the eyes.

    B+ for anyone else, C- for what i expect from Klocke.

    However the paint scheme is ridiculously awesome. :)

  7. Would be interesting to see her and the Steamborg using Decapitate and Headshot together.

    Wait 'til your opponent has burnt a lot of cards / Soulstones and let rip with both of them.

    Once they are down to 1 card any non-Master is toast.


    Because alyce offers draw power, and ranged threat, along with secondary scrap weenie production, and denial mechaisms, she can be a great asset to ramos. The fact that she gets 8 CA out of the deal is no joke either.

    The downside is that she's a whopping 10 points. Probably very worth it at larger point games, but at and below the 35 point mark, i tend to hesitate on her with Ramos.

    40 + ? Oh hell yes she's worth it.

  8. Interesting - I would have never guessed Res was this popular. Not reflected in our local group at all... I'm the only Res player out of about 8 regulars.

    I picked them up because nobody else did... but I've come to love my zombie masters, heh.

    Same here. Lots of guild and arcanist love around here, but not so much neverborn / outcasts / ressers (which are my favs).

  9. Pretty much dead on accurate, Omadon. If leve could target friendlies with all of his spells, he'd be very, very difficult to stop, because he could have a pretty fantastic SPA creation engine going between he and alyce. As it is they already have a good one.

    Past that, he would have even greater ability to burn himself out at will - as it is now, you need to carefully consider your turn, and evne then it's still fairly easy if you know what to do, and in the proper order. If all of his spells could target freely, it would be no challenge at all, and he'd be unbalanced.

    He is already an incredibly powerful master who's main balancing act is the fact that he's pretty difficult to get the hang of an use properly - in tandem with the fact that he's VERY unforgiving of mistakes.

  10. To the first point, it's not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. That would be removing the skeeter from the game, and not fixing the issue at hand. Game developers fix things with minimal disturbance with maximum original intent as possible. It's the way of game design, and I have some experience with the fundamentals and application of such. This is probably closer to how the skeeter was originally intended to function and play, rather than a very frustrating "perfect game required against s'omer, or you lose".

    And despite protestations to the contrary, being able to single turn mill a perfect hand full of jokers, 13's and 12's is just that. :) Particularly with his double damage shtick.

    As to if the value of the skeeter is worth it: that's entirely subjective, and of course your opinion on that matter is the only one that matters. :)

  11. Haight is right. It's rough for us fans but GW is a business and has to protect what is theirs.

    Does not mean we can't be pissed.

    Damn straight (BTW - big AEWWII fan here, can't wait to actually snag myself a copy of the occult book). I would be too.

    Then again, i'm a legal professional with a pretty good handle on how Intellectual property actually works domestically and internationally (as i'm sure you are, as a business that probably has many many copyrights). There is a lot of misconceptions out there about prior art, public domain, copy right, trade mark, what is and isn't "reasonable use", what is or isn't infringement, the differences between patents (and types of patents!), trade dress, copyright, etc.

    I think that's why people get angry about IP protection cease and desist's. It's not the company's fault that they have to act that way - it's the law. The law really forces company's hands in this regard. In fact, if they DON'T behave this way, later on down the road it could be determined that they gave up their rights. :(

    It sucks, but getting it to change is nigh on impossible, as its a matter of not only domestic, but international (read that: international treaty!) law. :(

    Trust me, i wish it were different. Blame pirates, plagiarists, and copycats.

  12. My recommendation is, unless you are vehemetly against it, don't delay in practicing with leve. He is tricky to get the hang of and all the practice you can get will help you get the hang of him. :)

    Though i do understand some people just don't like proxying. Myself ? I find that he's the most fun master to play, and i love how deceptively he can play.

  13. heh! There is no such thing as leveticus being underpowered. :) He is one of the most powerful masters in the game once you have a solid grasp on how to use him.

    I'd actually prefer a battle box with alyce and a bunch of SPA's so that you have two vectors of re-spawning them.

    That is a good point about scenarios though.

    -- Haight

  14. As much as it may have been handled impolitely, you basically cannot fault GW for protecting its international intellectual property rights. The law, such as it is, basically states "protect it or lose it" in regards to rights and ability to stop infringement.

    So while a fan may be resentful, as a business person, you can't blame them. They are just doing good business. PR doesn't enter into it. You may piss off a small handful of fans, but that is a drop in the bucket compared to possibly losing exclusive IP rights of trade dress / trade mark, and possibly even copyright on sampled materials if allowed to exist unchallenged.

    Basically if they DONT protect their IP, they can lose some or total control of it.

    Sucks, but that's the way intellectual property works.

    -- haight

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