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Posts posted by Haight

  1. I absolutely love the initial impression of this guys playstyle - get your waif(s) set up someplace safe, and then go in, balls to the walls, burning yourself out in a blaze of spells and pimp-backhanding unibrow glory. :)

    The fact that he can pick constructs, undead, and souless ups the appeal in my opinion, as the minion pool is gigantic and varied. I also really like that he's got some very nasty "at range" options in terms of spells, but getting into melee isn't exactly riskless either (if he scores a hit, The Face of Death gives you some decent probability to try for the tasty severe damage).

    I particularly enjoy the idea of using Unnatural wasting in tandem with a Hanged Whisper from Beyond to be a 1-2 knockout punch of doom. :P

    So many fun options - this is definitely a master up my alley.

  2. Welcome to Malifaux!

    Your login happen to be from the old Werewolf game?

    No, though i do get that a lot. Just a homonym (sorta) for "hate". :)

    That and people half expect me to be a hippy from california. ;)

  3. Well, as I don't even have the book yet, I'm not sure how much help i'm going to be. Ordering mine today either from here or the Warstore.

    However, when i first heard about the card mechanic, i was worried about single deck card counting (being a poker player that's just good enough to be dangerous to myself, but not good enough to be dangerous to casinos :D).

    When the mechanic was explained in greater detail, it dawned on me that due to the suit trigger mechanics (and pardon me if i'm butchering literal names for things - again I != have book), "cheating", and other things made that a non-issue.

    Mostly the fresh approach to wargaming sans dice is cool, and from what i've seen and had explained so far, a deck of cards won't ruin immersion in the setting, which is immediately one of the strongest things going for the game.

    Still - been a long time since i was this psyched about a new game. Getting my first real game this weekend.

    What i like too is that immediately, i'm drawn to several crews: particularly the neverborn and ortegas. The ruleset has that "non-homogenized, but small and tight" ruleset that i adore in games, where things are just as unique as they need to be without being cluttered and arcane.

    Anywho... enough rattling. Looking forward to it. Oh, and the book is beautiful guys. Even a quick thumb through left me impressed. :)

    -- Haight

  4. Hey folks.

    I've always been a fan of wyrd minis, and when i heard that Malifaux was coming out and was using a diceless system, I became very intrigued.

    I'm happy to say that one of my gaming groups is going to pick this up aggressively.

    Just wanted to say hello, and looking forward to playing / talking about the game. :)

    -- Haight / Remy

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