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Posts posted by capcap

  1. Having put the doppelganger in a game I would say its strong as long as you have your master or another heavy hitter like Teddy close. One list I want to try is:





    Leaves me with 6 SS for rerolls. Well see how it does soon hopefully.

  2. The Ice Queen Froze the house!

    Down in the slums the arcanist Resputina was patroling. When she spied that dastardly resurectionist Seamus. She immediately started closing distance. Seamus' bells lured in the closest Ice Gamin with there charms.

    The first Ice Gamin having been driven closer used his icy blast to wound the bell. Then another Ice Gamin came forward to reinforce his buddy blasting away as well. Then Resi stepped up and made two huge pillars of ice in the street blocking Seamus from view. Then Seamus took aim and blew one away. Then another Gamin killed the already weakened bell. Now the last two bells lured the closed Gamin to his death and there pain as he blew up in there midst.

    Now Seamus took out the last ice pillar and summoned a fresh bell. Then the Ice golem stepped up and blasted the bell to pieces only to be charmed by her last spark of undeath. Then another bell stepped up and charmed another gamin who died and shattered apart yet another bell. Who sacrificed herself as her last action to bring in Killjoy. Now the remaining ice gamin blasted at Killjoy and stood his ground. Then Resputina brough more ice columns to the field and successfully did some damage to Killjoy and the last bell. Killjoy in a rage speared the ice golem and brought him in for a closer look. The Golem was cracked on the chest with killjoys hook but the hook had frozen to the golem. Try as he might Killjoy could not free himself. A crack appeard from where Killjoy had hit the golem and it widened. Then in a blast of freezing shrapnel the Golem exploded killing Killjoy, the Ice gamin near him and the last bell. Seamus blew away another ice pillar, now wishing he had a revolver. Then he brough forth a new Bell.

    Then Resi froze the bell in her tracks. The Bell responded with a Charming lure but Resis will was too strong for the foul undead. Resi then battered Seamus until he turned blue from frost and decided to run to fight another day.

    Duel was 25SS with 2 Crews

    Resputina, 3 Ice Gamins, and Ice Golem


    Seamus, 3 Bells, and Killjoy

    Very interesting and fun match. Thanks for the Game!

  3. Thanks for the change. Having seen quite a few games were people literally run out of corpse and zombie tokens it was time to reign in the crazy model generating combo that happens when each model in your army can create a new model in a turn or two.

  4. So now that it is out. What is everyone doing to build there base gamer community? Seems like in our area a lot of demos are going on. I believe people will be wanting more organized events soon. There has been talk of leagues, even tournaments. Interest is high right now so now we need to go out there and get people together and gaming. What techniques does your gaming group use to spur and unit the populace?

  5. Hit the FLGS if you have some cash most have some terrain you can use/buy or can tell you good websites. If you want to go on the cheap, I recommend foam core. Its easy to work with if you have a cutter and fairly cheap compared to kits. You can also get plastic card which makes very nice terrain as well but is more expensive. For hills, mountains, crags, foam insulation from the hardware store is great. Water effects can be made cheaply by using white "school" glue. I'm going to start building some buildings for scenery soon so we get more of the wild west feel.

  6. Having played 40k and knowing what your speaking of there are some things you should try when playing Malifaux. Don't judge your army/minis till you have played them a good 30 games. At that time you will know the stats and feel of the minis. Like many games there are 4 types of armies: Control, Shooting, Magic and Melee. These are not only army types but are also playstyles that you may or may not like. If you like space marines I would suggest one of the more tough armies that have abilities like hard to kill and armor. Like all skirmish games, some games can feel lopsided but alot of times that is just temporary and will pass once you learn your army and your opponents. And like any Mini game some lists are just harder to play than others.

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