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Posts posted by Ken

  1. Drawing lots of cards is a primary feature of the gremlins and its not going to go away by changing the Mosquito's rules. Every faction has it's pluses and this is one for the gremlins. Even Leveticus can draw lots of cards. He gets a hand of 6, draws one when he casts a spell, gets to rearrange his deck, Rusty Alyce give him 2 more, and he can sack the Desolation Engine and draw cards there as well. So I don't think that gremlins are really ahead of everyone in terms of balance.

    Don't ge me wrong here I love the idea of backwoods hillbilly gremlins showing up at the wrong time to ruin everybodys best laid plans. I picked up the jones box set last week end and have a few more blisters on order. I'm also really looking forward to playing him.

    I fully under stand that deck control is one of the attributes that set jones apart from the other masters out there. I just feel that changing larva to a (2) is not quite enough. It still will allow som'er and a savy player too much deck control.

    Leveticus has much more situational deck controling tactics. At best, on one turn, can get a hand of 11 or so. That requires him to activate and sac desolation engine and cast a spell or two. With som'er you just need to keep the Mosquitos within 6" and out of threat range. Granted that may be tricky at times but a savy player could do it.

    Again just my opinion. :)

  2. I don't think changing larva from (all) to (2) would do enough to fix the issue, you'd still be able to draw 6 cards a turn without any negative effect.

    Som'er's control hand would effectively be 11. Thats every turn your looking at almost a quarter of the deck. Still seems a bit overpowered to me.

  3. What about changing the wording of "larva" from "friendly" model to "friendly non mosquito" model?

    I think this could work and be an easily implemented fix.

    The tactic would still be there if you want to end up with nothing but mosqitos on the table which wouldn't win you many games being insignificant and all. You would also only be able to draw maybe 10 cards or so before running out of gremlins to sac.

    I also think this would fit in fluff wise in that a mosquito wouldn't canabalize another mosquito in order to create a third one.

    Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

  4. I figured the fate decks where a long shot but had to ask. :)

    I mostly play down at Knightfall games in Beaverton, usually on Sundays. Let me know when you guys plan on coming down and I'll see what I can do.

    Once I get my boxes painted up I'm thinking I'll be applying for the henchmen program.

  5. Hello

    I got my first game in yesterday, thank you Goblyn13.

    I played Nicodem vs. Rasputina and won 4 to 2. It was the best game I've played in quite a few years. Everything played smoothly and was alot of fun.

    Thanks for making such a great game, it the game I've been looking for for the last

    few years. I love the card mechanics and the fact that everything is well balanced.

    I do have a question though. I really like the art in the fate decks but after watching the demo from gencon 08 and seeing those cards I was wondering if they will ever be made available? I just like the feel of the old west style cards.

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