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About weebaldy

  • Birthday 10/04/1955

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  1. HEAVENS!! thats a TON o Work there, thanks for taking the time to post it. I think it all sounds great to me, I am gonna print this out and take some more time to absorb it all. Thanks again WB
  2. I was kinda thinking that starting as a minion would allow for some sort of character progression to be included. I LOVE the idea of choosing a suit instead of a class, I missed that totally :-0 Thanks for the the input.
  3. Its great to see all the interest and th great ideas that have been posted on this thread. I am going to try and tackle a homebrew character creation format as a start for me trying this at my local club. My thoughts so far are:- 1- Players would play a minion 2- they would 1st choose a faction. 3- then choose a kind of "class" but I havn't worked this out in my head yet :-) 4- I am thinking of some form of "points cost" based system for stats allocation 5- Spells etc available would be linked to the faction chosen I think that enough to be going on with, Please let me know If I am overstepping the mark here I would hate to be stepping on anyones toes ay wyrd :-) Oh and just a thought, if and when wyrd do get around to writing an rpg how about a beta test aka Pathfinder from Paizo, I think that worked great...
  4. And me, these guys are awesome. I had two blisters with missing cards and nathan had them, posted out to me within two days. No question that this company is the best I have ever dealt with.
  5. I couldn't agree more, the current game mechanics are BRILLIANT and as you say all it needs is to make addittions for skills based flips etc. Maybe a list of available magic and other staff for Character building and it would be almost there:-) It is sure gonna be fun and I will be trying to add some linked nattitive to me skirmish games right away
  6. Wow thanks Guys thats a great positive response I'll keep my fingers crossed for the future of Malifaux RPG. The deadlands idea is spot on and any "official" Malifaux RPG would blow that away ;-) cheers
  7. I am sure a lot of us have thought how awesome this game would be for Roleplaying sessions. I was just wondering if Wyrd was even thinking about an RPG book to partner the skirmish game. Or if anyone else is thinking along the same lines as me. I am going to try and set some basics around the already BRILLIANT game mechanics as it would be Soooo easy to just add some more skills etc for character creation and I thinks its almost there. The fact is its already got a FANTASTIC back story, some of the best minis out there and current rules and card based check system IMO would just lend itself so sweetly to an RPG. Anyways just thought I would ask if anyone felt that same, I am going to give it a go with my local group and see how it pans out.
  8. Another scottish player, I too have ordered a couple of box sets,cards and the rule book but the same here its out of stock at the moment. looking forward to whenever I get my loot. Now that these 2 of us we will have to hold a scottish convention :-))
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