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Posts posted by Aproximo

  1. Nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Your painting ability is as near to perfection as it gets. My skill is no where near yours but I have some idea the PITA orange can be and to pull that off in orange is crazy. True the skin is less "undead" than some might paint but holly cr@p, the skin and in particular the face is the best part of the whole thing.

  2. I feel for ya Nathan. After last week, particularly keenly.

    I know it's only words typed on the internet but to anybody concerned abotu the quality of Wyrd as a business I can only say this. They give every impression of being a company that loves what they do and has just (perhaps shockingly) discovered way more people than they thought love what they do too... That put them in the nice but hard spot of having way more work to do than resources available to do it. Great for a start up business, very hard on the workers at a start up business. I just got a box from them and sadly had a couple bits missing. I let Nathan know and that's the end of it to me. I'm not likely number one on his list, I may not even be near the top. But I trust that I am high enough that they will get to me in not very long. No worries. In the mean time my gremlin is going to have to hit his opponent with a stick instead of a banjo... hmmmmm... there has got to be a banjo wacking joke in there somewhere...

    I understand there are relatively few people at Wyrd but I was suprised to find Nathan himself filled my last order... There is a reason his pic says Da Boss... and he's doing whatever he has to to moove the merch, including filling orders, packing and shipping. Ya gota love a boss who isn't afraid of real work. :)

  3. I use testors "model masters" semigloss and GW matte. How I want something to look when I'm done decides which to spray first. GW matte followed by the semigloss is more mat than semigloss by itself but still a little bit of shine. I use for tanks, machines, armor, metalic stuff. Semigloss followed by matte for cloth, skin, etc... Stuff that should not shine at all. Then lastly I will hand brush on gloss (from a bottle) if there is anything I really want to shine.

  4. isn't the point of having gremlins in a pig force the "Big Mac" option? You don't need many if your not swarming. They multiply... Even if they can't count...

    Field one, and have him call in another, there is no rule about how many points they have to have to heal. They only come for lunch anyway! Pay the 3 points and have a dozen of them by the time your done.

  5. Besides, why does a model have to be absolutely brutal in a tournament setting for people to want to play with it? Teeth is fun, 'nuff said. The gremlins were just too awesome to leave as minions for Zoraida, so they got their own sub-faction. They play exactly like you'd expect models to play that are back woods pig farmers who make their own hooch.


    I didn't even make it through this whole thread before I came across this. Angel, you have got it so right! My main playing partner/oponent is planning a gremlin army. Last night without enough built or on hand we were pretty much just sitting around looking at the different things you can do with a sommer army. We both agreed that a gremlin/pig army was going to be pretty unpredictable. Some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you. I was getting pretty jealous of the fun playing a gremlin army is going to be. Certainly wouldn't bring it to a tournement I wanted to win but for fun I cannot think of a better choice.

    There is so much weird stuff in that crew that while defete may be painful and common, wins will be the stuff of epic stories. And I suspect wins will be as common and losses. "remember the game when this guy called in his brother and got eaten, restored the pig back to full health and he wiped out half your crew..."

  6. My shipment of rules and minis arrived today. All present and accounted for including the promo. All good looking stuff, but that book is a piece of work. It's beautiful. My hat is off to the graphic designers and artists. Haven't read yet but I'm trusting all the eirlier comments that the rules are just as well done.

  7. It's a little more complicated than that, alot of what you see in the shop area of the site are custom bases built one off for the minis you see there. You should look at the inserts that are available.

    Myself personally I'm frustraited you cannot get wood steps and sidewalk bases you see on the Guild.

  8. Canadian medicine is not bad medicine and anybody who thinks that IS listening to to much propoganda with not enough actual experience. I dont live there but half my family does. The US half of my family gets alot of Canadian visitors come down for assorted medical stuff but none of it is life threatening or time sensative stuff. I've never heard any of them say they get bad care just that they didn't want to wait however long for whatever the thing they came down for is.

    The fact is they come down more to shop at the outlet mall than for surgery.

  9. Personally I don't care to get the box set or a series of individual packs as long as I get the products I ordered. The fact that they sent the extra figure is more than compensation for the missing cards (say 5 cards at .50 each is 2.50 and certainly less than any mini is.) However I would say that a better practice by the seller is to advise you of the issue with options, accept what they have, back order, or cancel order. Without advance notice something I was expecting in my purchase would be sub'd out for something else I too would be annoyed.

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