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Posts posted by junkenstein

  1. 1) Favorite: Color of paint (the specific paint color listed on the lable)

    Love blue; using a lot of Hammerfall knaki at present.

    2) Favorite: Brand of paint

    Used a lot, P3 are very nice. GWs Devlan Mud is a must have.

    3) Favorite: Sculptor


    4) Favorite: Painter


    5) Favorite: Mini Company (other than Wyrd, we all know it's everyones #1)

    Corvus Belli (Infinity)

    6) Painting Preference: Metalics vs. NMM


    7) Mini Preference: Fantasy vs. Sci Fi


    8) Mini Preference: Male vs. Female

    Female; boobies FTW.

    9) Mini Preference: Human vs. Monstrous


    10) Favorite: Paint Brush you use the most

    Any, sable preferably

    11) Favorite: Paint Job You've Done (provide link if possible)

    My Infinity stuff.

    12) Favorite: Paint Job Ever (provide link if possible)

    13) Desire: A mini company from which you've never painted a mini, but want to

    Some Hasslefree stuff looks nice.

    14) Desire: A mini you most want to paint, but haven't

    A big gribbly monster.

    15) Favorite: Mini related forum (again, other than your obvious favorite; Wyrd)

    Battlefront or TMP.

    16) Favorite: Site you find most useful in terms of helping learn mini painting/Sculpting

    17) Desire: A sculpt you would love to see, but doesn't yet exist

    A Rocky Horror Picture Show set.

    18) Ambition: What would you most like to achieve in the painting hobby

    To improve every mini I paint.

    19) Least Favorite: Thing you most dislike about mini painting (think eyestrain, back ache, being socially outcast, lost time, costs, etc...)

    Stuff getting chipped/damaged. Bits breaking.

    20) Least Favorite: Paint Brand you've tried

    Some orrible Acrylics I bought in glass jars with screw tops.

    21) Least Favorite: Mini Company who's sculpts/style just don't make you want to paint them.

    Gripping Beast. They look awesome in the photos, they are shit in the flesh.

  2. Ive just got the box and had fun with it; Ive had great success nusing a nurse to power up the construct (or even Sebastian at one point) to become mincing machines; they took Perdita down in 1 turn. I did proxy 2 punks last week but they did very little.

  3. Im finding nurses invaluable; discard a card, use all 3 boosts and you have a +2 move, bosted attack reactivating unkillable maniac; Seb has taken down Perdita in 1 turn, and the costruct killed a Death marshall that was half way across the table and thought it was safe.

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