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Posts posted by RussWakelin

  1. Howdy Malifaux Fans,

    For any interested our podcast, The D6 Generation, just did a detailed review of Malifaux.

    Not that any of the folks here don't already know how unique and cool a game Malifaux is, but if you'd like to here our thoughts on it the episode is here:


    The Malifaux Discussion begins @ the 2 hr 43 min mark.

    (Yep, we do a long show.)

    Please let us know what you think.

    Russ "Still kick'n arse with Perdita" Wakelin

  2. Howdy Wyrd Fans,

    Eric and Dan were kind enough to sit down with us at GenCon and share the story of how Malifaux was developed, the challenges that were involved, and how it was received at GenCon 2009.

    Special thanks to both of them, for taking the time to chat. And thanks to the many members of the Wyrd staff that showed us the ropes of this amazing new game.

    Link the interview: http://www.thed6generation.com/index.php?post_id=517425

    Oh, and a special shout out to old friends who we meet again:

    Redstripe: Great to put a face to a name after all these years!

    Ambrose: Nice to see you again, and thanks for that full playthrough.

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