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Posts posted by LordKnyght

  1. Yep, done the 3 player match. Even did a 4 player match. Loads of fun, but the one downside is the other 2 players in the first group were Guild and I was Neverborn. I lasted 4 turns, but I didn't go down easy.

    As for the 4 player game, let's just say the Guilds were wiped rather quickly when the Neverborn and the Resurectionists teamed up to "clean up."

  2. Alright folks. It's official. On 11/23-25, 2009 is Charcon. It's a minor con in Charleston, WV where I will be holding a few demo's of Malfuax. Anyone who may be in the area at the time (or wants to come to the town) feel free. There's at least 5 players locally who will be there and the more the merrier.

    Also, for the bosses, who would I see about getting some promtional items? I'm talking things like catalogs and buisness cards. I've already gotten 1 store hooking us up, but the more I can get, the more players I'll have to beat down. LOL

    Anyone who wants/needs info about Charcon, please feel free to ask. :party:

  3. Hey, watch throwing that change around!

    I'm sure that both Sprue and I have given strong arguments for both sides of this case. I'm sure there's an answer coming down the line. And I know for a fact that by turn 3, I'd stop this sillyness in no time with a couple of little tricks from Pandora (yes, I'm a NB player, who wouldda thougtht?). Go ahead and throw down this combo with me if you like, caue when it's all said and done you're gonna end up with some dead bugs, some victory points on my side and and a smirk on my face. icon10.gif

    I'll wait for one of the bosses to give us an answer. Until then, I've got a list made just for this situation and the models on the way.

    Now here's a question for the rezzers. does the bug leave a corpse when it's sacked? Cause if it does, this could get nasty REAL quick.

  4. <chuckles> Folks, I have to say thank you. It's been too long since I've last had a good discussion, and it's appreaceated.

    As I said before, it's something I can see happening, but to me, it seems "sketchy". It's not something I'd try to pull myself and this entire converstaion is basically moot at this point. At this time, there is nothing that says this isn't legal, however with all games of this nature, there's going to be changes down the road. Will this be one of them? Who knows. If/until this is overturned, I plan to have a few schemes set aside for when I play against this faction.

  5. Lordknyght, the first thing I did when I thought of this was ask in the rules forum if it's possible to use all actions while slowed and the reply was yes it's possible. The wording on all actions states it is the only action you are allowed not that it takes up all your ap. Slow causes you to forfeit 1 ap but this is not an action. You may be confusing it with pass, which is an action. The mention of 0 actions is only to ensure the reader understands that if you use an all action it is the only action taken. And hog whisperers do indeed have survival of the fittest, have another look.

    I also understand that you have to discard down to 5 cards, but if you use the mosquito larva tactic before activating the rest of your models then you will have drawn your entire deck and your opponent will have activated all his models before you begin activating the rest of your crew.

    Also, I realise that on paper this tactic seems very harsh and unbalanced but it's entirely theoretical and assumes that your opponent has done nothing to try and interrupt you. You'll find in practice that mosquitos are pretty easy to pick off and there are a lot of spells and abilities that do automatic damage and will put a stop to it before it gets out of hand. So there's really no need to complain about it. I'm sure you're all smart enough to identify when this might happen and will have models capable of dealing with it.


    Let me start this off by saying I'm not still not convinced, and I'm giving you a chance to convince me. I went back and re-read the Whisperer and I admit I was wrong. So what else is new? icon10.gif

    Now, onto the meat of the matter. The problem is I can see the argument from both sides on the use of (all). Reading the first bullet on that page, it does state the use of (0), (1) and (2) actions. If they ment that all was equal to (2), then they would have used that. Which would mean you could get away with what your suggesting.

    However, my thoughts on the idea of (all) is that it's something that requres every speck of your concentration. Only the most powerfull of terms has this identifier attached to it, In my minds eye, if a creature had just been summoned, it would take at least a fraction of a second before it was orientated enough to react to it's new surroundings. Think of it like this. A friend of yours blindfolded you, put you in their car and drove you around for a bit, didn't tell you where you were or where your going. Wouldn't your first action be to get your orientation?

    And Sprue, thanks for answering. I always enjoy a good discussion on what if's. LOL

  6. One small flaw with this idea. Each time you cast the spell, it cost 1 AP. Since you only get 2 per nurse, unless you dump the dog on your nurses lap, then you've only got 1 spell you can cast (one of the AP is spent getting to the dog, and it requires 2 SP to do the Furious Casting).

    Now, some good news for you. If I've read the book right, you may be able to get Bette off at 38". How, you ask? Simple. It states under summoning that when the mini is summoned, it appears anywhere within 6" of the summoner. Since I'm assuming (yeah, I know) that the death is the summoner, then you can place her up to 6" in any direction as long as it is within those 6". Now what really bothers me is this. a 3' by 3' table, the farthest a mini can be from another is 36" Last I checked, 38" > 36"

  7. It's a gremlin thing. When a gremlin dies within 6" of Jones or a Whisperer they get to draw 2 cards. Mosquitos can sac a model and summon another mosquito. If you have a mosquito and another model in range you sac the mosquito then the new mosquito sacs the previously activated one and you draw two cards every time that happens. You can do this indefinitely so after a short time you'll have drawn every card. If this is the only thing you've done all round the rest of your force hasn't activated so they now take their actions. In your next duel play the joker. it goes to your discard pile and since you have all your cards in your hand and the only card discarded is a joker that joker becomes the top card of your deck when you start fresh.

    Wyrd should could fix this by making larva a (2) action or making it so they can't use the Larva ability if slowed.

    Ok, I have some serious problems with this scheme. From what I've read and re-read, I'm going to break this down for you. Anything I am not 100% sure on, I'll mark in this color to make it stand out. If I 've made a mistake, feel free to correct me.

    I'll agree with you on the survival of the fittest (when a GREMLIN model lis killed...) and while it applies to Sommer, the same rule does not apply to the Whisperer (since this isn't an ability of the Whisperer).

    When the totem is summoned, it loses 3 health and it must be within 6" of Sommer Plus it's slowed. So it's already down 1 action point. Since Larva is an (all) abiltiy, you are not able to use Swarm the same turn you are summoned. My reasoning is this. On page 44, right collum fourth bullet, it states basically that you can preform an (all) action, however you're not allowed to preform a (0) action. IF this is the case, then you cannot cast since you've already spent an action activating.

    Now, here's another point to remember. Even if you were to do this, at the start of the draw phase, you're required to discard down to your maximum hand size and SHUFFLE. Basically, that guarnteed Joker you were looking for at the top of your deck? No longer there. And since Somer is required to have one less control card that means you are already losing that edge you had before.

    Like I said, if you see a flaw in what I said, feel free to let me know.

  8. I know it's been a little while since I've updated, but I've been thinking on how I want the bases to look. Here's what I've come up with.

    For the swampfolks, I plan on taking the edge of land and the water meeting. I know, that's not very origonal. But here's a small layout of what I have planned.


    I plan to build a brick road and a glade/forrest on a lakefront along the same lines. I have templates done, but considering it's 4 am here, the pictures will have to wait til later.

  9. Now here's a question for you. How many of you remeber Teddy Ruspkin, the interactive teddy. He would tell stories, play with the kid, whatever. How many of you had one in your house/appartment building, ect at one point or another?

    Now just think of him as a dark and twisted version.

  10. Neverborn will always win. Why? Simplely because of all the factions, their the only ones who have trained with weapons since they were Toddlers! Plus who wouldn't want to pull out the unholy teddy on your nearest and dearest friends?

    I can hear those comments now. "You remember when you broke that mini on me? Well, Teddy does! RAWR!"

  11. Here's a few thoughts to think about:

    * This is a new system.

    * Not all of the models are out yet, but they are being worked on.

    * It allows you to make your own custom bases, which makes the models uniquely yours.

    * Most importantly, from what I've seen, this is a company with immagination. There will be new products released, probably things none us have imagined yet. But when they do come out, I'm sure there will be those who go gaga over it.

  12. Alright, I promised a pict, and I try to keep my word. If you look inside the red circle, there is an image of... it looks like a water spill at the moment. However, the next test will be on a 40k base, where it'll show up better.

    I have figured out there's a couple of things I'll have to do to make this work.

    1) Dye the realistic water.

    2) Attach the mini to the base before I start this process so it'll flow around them, instead of them standing on it.

    3) Use several layers to represent the fog/mist rolling over the ground.


    Still needs some work, but i think I'm on the right path.

  13. I can see myself standing outside of the local gaming stores, wearing a trenchcoat and a fodeora stopping people who are going in whispering loudly, ""Hey, hey you! What are you here for? Magic? Yu Gi Oh? Warhammer? Nah. don't play that. Have I got a new game for you!"

    What am I saying? I do that already. Might as try to get some bennies out of this. :D

  14. I had an idea for a quick set of stories for MalifauX that I thought I would share. Please not that this story takes place on August 31, 1888 in London, England. Any feedback is welcome and if it's well recieved, perhaps I'll continue the story line. It is written from the main characters point of view, as he talks to Mary. Hope you enjoy it. Without further ado, I give to you The Exporer.


    Hush little darling, don’t say a word. Papa’s got a lot of work to do before you’re through.

    Perhaps you’re wondering what I’m doing, or maybe who I am? I normally wouldn’t tell this to one of your kind, but in this case, I’ll make an exception. After all, who are you going to tell?

    Where should I start? There are things you don’t know, or does any of your kind, actually. While most would say the beginning, I don’t think you have that much time. So we’ll start what your people would call a century ago.

    Many years before, your people invaded my homeland thinking that they had a right to what they found. They came to our world with their tools, their machines and thought to take things that didn’t belong to them. They thought that they had a right to what is rightfully ours. Those of us who have been around since the dawn of time. Those of us who have endured and conquered our realm since time immortal. They were wrong. We fought back, and closed their way to our world. But we left our own paths open to recover what your kind stole from us.

    Hmmmmm, just a moment, I need to reposition your head. It should be to the left, I believe. Ah, much better. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. The recovery.

    It was decided among my kin that we should recover what was taken from us. To return our stolen property to where it belongs. But to do that, it would require us to be able to move from our world to yours without your kind being able to do the same. A few of us were given what the first traitors called ether to sustain ourselves in your world. Small openings were created between the two realities so we could search and find what we were ment to have.

    No, not yet. I need you to stay with me, Mary. Not for much longer, but you need to stay. I promise, it won’t be much longer.

    I was one of the ones sent to find our lost ether. My portal opened here in London and at first I thought I knew all the horrors made possible by this reality. However, there were side effects none of our kind would have thought existed. Among them is the inability to hold our strengths in your world. It’s only by taking your kinds energy that we can reestablish our own.

    Which brings us to our little “arrangement.” When you offered me what ever I wanted in exchange for a few coppers, how could I pas that up? While you believed the only thing I wanted was some fun with you while you laid there, I knew you would give me so much more. With your life, I will live on to continue the search. So far, I’ve found four sets of ether, and thanks to you, I’m sure it will continue.

    Do you see this stone? This is the ether I look for. Your sacrifice will allow me to continue, for when you die, it will take your strength and make it mine to use as I see fit. And I want to thank you for your help.

    Now you might feel a slight prick when it touches you. But that’s normal, for with your blood it will make it whole again. There, that didn’t hurt too much, did it? Oh, and to be fair, I should at least tell you my name. Most of your kind call me Jack.

  15. At Gencon, I bought a couple of box sets of Neverborn (Lilith and Pandora), Pandora's Avatar form (how could I resist?) and the last flame base set they had at the con. Since then, I've been thinking of how I wanted to do the basing, so it didn't matter which models I'd use, it would show that all the models were part of the same faction.

    A part of me wanted to do the the bases in flames, representing the Hellfire that the Neverborn were bred from, but upon reading the rulebook and a few comments here, I've come to see them as something other than just creatures of darkness. I've learned that the Neverborn as a whole are nothing less than the true Masters of MalfauX, the only ones who have a right there. Which blows the idea of the flames right out the window.

    From what I've read I've come to the conclusion that while they use the imagaination of the "invaders" to take form, before that they were little more than the wisps of fog that rolled over the land, waiting patiently for the time to take back what is their birthright. And that's where my thoughts on making the bases similar come together.

    My plans, as of right now, is to show the Neverborn with different bases (town for Pandora's brood, Grasslands/Trees for Lilith, and of course the swamp for Zor). I plan to create a fog rolling off the figures feet out to the edge of the base to show the Neverborn as the creatures they truely are, the figments of horror that have come alive.

    I should have the first samples of what they'll look like by Monday. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreaceated.

  16. So I sign here right...is there any small print? Oh, there is a lot isn't there, I'll skip it - what's the worst that can happen eh? I assume I can get out of this anytime I assume?

    Of course you can. But there is a slight... penalty.

  17. Yep, even the hillybillies have heard of this game! I learned of this game at Gencon this year and thanks to one of my friends who demo'd the game, I'm now addictied. I bought the rule book, all 3 starter sets, a couple of special minatures and a few other odds and ends.

    Of the factions, the Neverborn has caught my attention due to the sick and twisted ideas behind them. So far, we have 5 players in this town, although we're working on a new gaming shop to keep our newest crack in stock.

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