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Posts posted by Zee

  1. I was playing a game with Collodi the other day and we were discussing minion selections and I think its fair to say that if collodi got access to a good beefcake melee machine he would get overpowered. Giving a Teddy Filled with stones scares me. Hard to wound 2 and armour 2 with 4/7 wlk/Chg and 1 AP Charges PLUS Regen 2. Personally I think just having access to summon one with Collodi (threw Weaver widow) is strong enough.

    Teddy isn't a Doll, cannot fill it with stones :D

  2. Could I hope for some more details about dead doxies? I tried my hand with Seamus today, rolled shared slaughter and noticed a significant lack of punch (I know, my bad for going with hanged, 2 belles, bete, copycat and seamus at 30 stones for slaughter) and I was thinking from what I'm reading a doxy could come in to take the place of a belle to give me some more punch.

    I find your lack of Guild Autopsies... disturbing.

  3. Pale Rider-

    Same basic thing as the other riders, but with a 12" gun instead of a melee weapon. He does have gunfighter, and his "cycle" revolves around how many models died during the turn before he activates. He is also Soulless, so Hamelin players rejoice. 9ss.

    No Constructs for Hamelin.

  4. I grabbed a couple blisters from my local LGS last week, and when I got home I realized that the Raphael LaCroix only included the head/gun spur, base, and stat card......but missing the actual mini itself!!I immeaditly called my LGS and they told me to contact wyrd. I sent them a message a week ago, and still no reply! Has anyone else had this problem? Should we just assume they they are too small of a company to be concerned with customer satasifaction?

    Sorry to hear about the mix-up.

    Go ahead and forward that initial email you sent to me at Zee@wyrd-games.net, and I'll get it straightened out.

  5. 1. If Snow (of Snow Storm) was placed on a 30 mm base could she be played as a Silent One in an official tournament?

    I am not sure if she would be considered a conversion (allowed) or a proxy (not allowed). I am just interested in fielding a second Silent One with Rasputina in the Master of Malifaux tournament at GenCon and I would prefer not to have two of the same sculpt on the table. I thought Snow was a good choice since she used to be a Silent One before she was bonded to Storm.

    2. If I can play Snow as a Silent One how should I handle her stat card?

    Obviously, I won't have a Silent One card for Snow since she doesn't come with one. I could order one from Wyrd (the shipping is a little pricy, but not a bad option) or I could use a place holder for her (a blank card or a card with her picture on it to flip after she's been activated) and read her stats off my regular Silent One's card.

    It would be great to get an official ruling, so that I don't show up at GenCon thinking everything is fine and then find out I am disqualified or something.

    Thanks for the help!


    Official Answer:

    1. Not a problem. You can use her as a Silent One, especially since she is your second one.

    2. As far as the card goes, I would encourage procuring one [either borrow from a friend or purchase another]. Make sure to mark it clearly as SNOW - SILENT ONE and you should not have an issues with it.


  6. Thanks Talos, yeah i figured as much with the first rules question, that's how we played it out.

    Good point, since casting expert would give him that extra walk/strike. I was using it to ferry Lucius up with the drill sarge making him walk into the best position to cover my models. So when Lucius activated he could go on a casting spree.

    Just remember that he gets a :-fate to cast the spell targeting himself.

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