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Posts posted by Dv8guy

  1. Due to the new book and email questions I am posting this here:

    If you want to field a model from book 2 that is not released you must:

    A) have a reference tool for the model and bring two copies. As your opponent may not own Book 2 yet.

    B) the proxy model will be an accurate representation of the design intent of the unreleased model, including base size, and must be painted.

    C)the TO will be the final authority on if these terms are met. If you are bringing a proxy. Bring a backup in case it is not approved.

    D) this is ONLY for models who have not had their official release date. No proxies will be approved for released models.

  2. The Store closes at 9pm, The goal is to be finished by 8:00

    In the next few months "Food For Soulstones" will have it's own website. The event is run twice a year, and i will be creating packets for any venues who want to run this event. Maybe even a trophy to be sent to the venue that brings in the most food. so if you want to keep the trophy you have to keep being the top performer.

  3. It is time again for the FOOD for soulstones semi annual event. Exactly as on the Gencon flyer:


    On August 29th we will be having a "Food for Soulstones" event at Krystal Keep in Kettering, Ohio. This will be a constructed event at the 25 SS level. You may buy up to 10 additional Soulstones for your army at a cost of 2 canned or boxed goods per Soulstone (35 SS max). You may also purchase the “use soulstone” ability for models in your crew, at a cost of 5 canned or boxed goods per model, per round, you want to have it. I am getting some donations from outside of the local store to help make this a big success, so the prizes (I hope) will be noteworthy. All the food collected will be donated to the food pantry at 427 A&B Washington Street Dayton, OH 45402, Tel: (937) 461-0265. Any questions can be sent to Roninfather@aol.com. Please follow event thread on WYRD forums for more information and prize details.


    Entry Fee: 15 canned or boxed food items.

    Event registration will start at noon first round should start at one.

    As of now there is plenty of space, and I have no reason to think we will run out, but to be safe please RSVP via my email

    Lunch will be Provided

    Event will ideally run 4 rounds

    I will be telling you all more in the next few days.

  4. Here is what I have doing work against him. Lilith and her cherub (works with primordial magic too) And a mature neph plus whatever you want to fill with. I have the totem earthquake twice. Then Lilith eartquake 3 times. In standard deployment this will put your mature nephilim able to charge anything within 2 inches of the front edge of the starting zone. Now if you are playing corners or diagonals you need to have a high tome and use knock aside to make it by hitting something else first. I find that most players strategy falls apart when the mature neph is on their master on your second activation. And if your lucky there won't be a master there second turn.

  5. On December 20th we will be having a "Food for Soulstones" event at Krystal Keep in Kettering, Ohio. This will be a constructed event at the 25 SS level. You may buy up to 10 additional Soulstones for your army at a cost of 2 canned or boxed goods per Soulstone (35 SS max). You may also purchase the “use soulstone” ability for models in your crew at a cost of 5 canned or boxed goods per model you want to have it. I am getting some donations from outside of the local store to help make this a big success, so the prizes (I hope) will be noteworthy. All the food collected will be donated to the food pantry at 427 A&B Washington Street Dayton, OH 45402, Tel: (937) 461-0265. Any questions can be sent to Roninfather@aol.com.

    Edited to answer questions:

    event registration will start at noon first round should start at one.

    As of now there is plenty of space, and i have no reason to think we will run out, but to be safe please RSVP via my email

    Is there a cost for the event? Just the food!

    Our previous events have gone 3 round and been done around 7pm. If there is time and people want we may go for round 4.

  6. I like the second list. A lot better but I would try to get one moleman. Maybe by going down to 2 slurids. As far as the Myranda discussion, I usualy shapechane first turn and use her as a rattler (sometimes walgeists) first turn and just use her as that beast until I need something she has in late game.

  7. So I have now run Ramos. I brought Ramos, Joss, Alyce, brass arachnid, and one steampunk arachnid, leaving me with 8ss in game. I played against Marcus, rattler, sabertooth, 3 molemen, and she had 8 ss. I had slaughter, bodyguard, and hold out. Marcus had assassinate, and 2 sabotage.

    When the dust had settled all that was left at the end of turn 5 was a sabretooth with 2wd. And Alyce ramos and the brass arachnid. Marcus had gotten his 2 sabatoge off early with the tiger.

    My thoughts afterwards are these. Having joss active 3-4 times in a turn is amazing even if he does after (stoke, overload, and burn out) eapecialy with how easy burout it to get off with Alyce haveing an 8 cast. Second if you can lure in a melée oriented army to a swarm next to an electrical creation it is one big boom. As the explosion kill the electrical creation as well. Last between surge and alyce's 2 extra cards you can get off those hard casts with ramos.

    In the future I think I will bring the student of conflict over the brass arachnid.

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