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Posts posted by McNs

  1. I'm a big fan of The Crazy Cat Lady list (Rasputina, 3x Hoarcats, Sabertusk), but I think her box set or her box set swapping a Gamin for an Acolyte is probably the best match up I've found yet. Suit management with the 'tusk gets tricky because now everyone and their Grandma wants a high-valued mask (IIRC).

    At 30 and 35, I see her opening up more. Joss is a beat machine, who can really benefit from December's Touch. Both totems she has access to look to add to her. Convict Gunners could be rather hilarious: with Frozen Heart and Bite of Winter you could really start spitting out damage.

    Molemen don't look too bad with her either; they are tough to get rid of, can be brought to armor value "silly", and look to be excellent place holders for scenarios. If nothing else, they're happy being "arc nodes".

    Is there any specific crew you're finding you need the extra ranged support against?

  2. Without spoiling anything, I'm very interested to see how the story progresses given what happened to December with Viktoria. I'm also really interested in seeing what happens with Molly given the final story in the book...

    Curse you Redstripe and your well written story hooks!

  3. I've really digging the Rasputina box with 1 Gamin swapped for the December Acolyte. It cuts down on your "arc node" fodder, but it gives you a solid flanking force that pick off/engage gribblies, allowing the slower stuff to get up the board.

    When the totems come out, definitely look at getting the Essence of Power and Wendigo for Raspie too.

  4. Hey DarkEldar:

    Thanks for demoing the myriad of games over the course of the 'con. I think Breten had me watching you play someone elese in Malifaux, which got really riled up for the game.

    So Muchas Gracias to you and the rest of the TTG crew!

  5. Halloween MnMs! MMMMMM... Especially with McM. ;)

    I have this horrid vision of someone using Sweedish Fish as Corpse Tokens with McM, then making high-pitched "Whhhyyy MEEEE!!!" sounds when they rip them in half for Body Parts.

  6. I've got a ton of NIB GW stuff that I'd gladly part with, including a Bloodthirster, a box of Assault Terminators, and an old Lizardmen Battlation (extra Skinks and no Templeguard). PM me for a full list.

    I'm interested in any Freebooter, Fantization, or Wyrd stuff and a few pieces from the Dark Age line.

  7. I've demoed Malifaux a few times; both working at 25 (fill to SS) or just taking the Master's cache for the box sets has worked OK.

    I've demoed with the full-rules and have tried to teach by example with stuff like Focusing, Defensive Stance, etc. There's really nothing in Malifaux that's OMGBBQBorken, especially since one-shotting a Master is exceptionally hard and doesn't end the game.

    As for Levi, I'd start with a different Master. For starters, three of the rather important pieces you need for him are unreleased (Desolation Engines, Hollow Waifs, and Steampunk Abominations). If you're OK with proxying, I'd still get a game or two in with Ramos or Seamus before you go hole hog into Levi, just to sound up your mechanics.

    I tried jumping whole hog into the "Crazy Cat Lady" list an Gencon and missed a lot of Rasputina's core mechanics for my trouble. KISS to start, I say.

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