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U.S. Male

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Posts posted by U.S. Male

  1. I forgot to address the chalk drawings on the back of the wall- I wanted to have some children's artwork featured in this crew (which will feature more prominently in the other models in the crew), so instead of just approximating what a child would do, I enlisted my 4 year old niece to draw me some pictures of Lord Chompy Bits. She did so with great fervor, only explaining that the pictures she drew were actually of Lord Chompy Bits Mom. So, you have a chalk drawing of Lord Chompy Bits' mom that I copied from my niece's drawing on the back wall. You will see some clearer pictures of 'her' on the other crew members.

    That's brilliant!

    I am blown away by what you are doing with this crew. It's the sort of blown away where I go back and forth between inspiration to do my own models and despair that I should just through away my stuff because its crap compared to this. Honestly, I believe that's a sign I am viewing something truly great!

  2. "superglue" tends to be on the brittle side I've found. It can shatter if dropped just right. Gorilla Glue makes a Glue that has some rubber (i believe) in the formula to try to add some "give" to the joint. It seems to work pretty well.

    I do still pin everything I can though. :)

    I use gorilla wood glue all the time, and I've got some of the original industrial, water-activated glue. But that doesn't seem appropriate for minis. Is there another kind that I'm not aware of?

  3. Another trick you can use is to place a small bit of porous paper (coffee filter for instance) between the two surfaces you wish to glue. This strengthens the glue bonding quite a bit. You can even burn off excess paper with a lighter. This has been a technique I've been using with great success for 20 years.

    Well that's a new idea. Never heard of anything like that before. But if it'll help me get the peacekeeper together without pinning the arms, that's great.

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