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Posts posted by RogueM

  1. yes, true... I assumed that was the case but if it was a 'random' fig thrown in then I'd be annoyed too.

    To be fair many of the UK resellers have completely underestimated the popularity of the game and haven't preordered enough, quite obviously, and are therefore trying to fulfill the order however they can. Telling customers what their options are would be expected regardless.

  2. I bought 2 boxsets from Arcane last month and got the boxsets... so perhaps he was just out of the particular one you ordered.

    It's worth noting that the boxsets released last June don't have the cards either so it is not certain you'd be better off even if he did have the box you were after (and yes I know you can redeem codes to get the cards but that's still a hassle).

    Also they are hardly critical for gaming, everything you need is in the rulebook and you can use any number of ways to track lives.

    Personally I would definitely have preferred a free fig ;-)

  3. I have no problem with horizons being broaden. What I have a problem with is skimming through a dozen of unrelated topics marked as 'unread' every time I visit this forum.

    In respect to losing money, I'm sure you have heard of the silent majority? I had to extract every bit of info from dozens of threads to feed other players curiosity pre-Gencon... all I had talked to about the game, including some keen newsmongers, had given up on it after 5 minutes here.

    If Wyrd has no intention of putting up a dedicated website separate from the forum in the near future then that's their decision but I don't see myself and others working this hard to get info about their product range.

  4. I don't care about this discussion about credits but I will say that I'd rather you did not post generic news on a forum dedicated to one company. Sure, a few topics you'd like to bring up and discuss with the Wyrd community, fine, but not in the manner I have noted in the 2 weeks I have checked this forum.

    ... I sure hope that Nathan does not pay you because quite frankly you are liable to lose him money by your lack of consideration for those interesting in Wyrd and nothing else, spoiling some users enjoyment of this forum and I for one will only be checking the front page from now on to see what's up with Wyrd - I do not have time to wade through a lot of 'news' post for things that frankly are irrelevant. If I want 'news' then I check a news site, as simple as that!

  5. the terrain 'factor' sounds interesting. I applaud with both hands (it's easier) and look forward to reading more on the subject.

    ... so if I got the substance additional pieces of terrain can appear during the game? or change nature from neutral to hazardous after a number of turns? what about terrain placement, is this left to players, scenario, or semi random - perhaps using the fate deck?

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