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Posts posted by paradox

  1. I still feel Holdout is stupidly easy to accomplish, especially with the guns Guild has. Take. Announce. Shoot everything dead, starting with the closest stuff first.

    I know jack-all about Colette, but how is she getting a model within 8" of all four corners in the 1st turn?

  2. Platonic could also mean unrequited love. Ie, not unlikely courtly love.

    Not that they would not have a physical relationship, but that circumstances (whatever that might be) prevent them from having one, or would greatly discourage it.

    The Judge's "condition" might be one factor. The general dynamics of their relationship towards each other, another. Guild politics yet another.

  3. I love using my clutch of death marshals. Of course my selection is very small, but hey.

    4 stones for hard to wound, slow to die and a built in ram for critstrike. With a fistful of rams, theres no way you're not going to feel the sting. As long as they hit, even weak damage is 4 per shot.

    They always do well and tend to be my workhorses, clearing out the chaff while taking shots. They let Justice shine.

  4. Justice goes sword-to-face with Lilith very nicely. I usually keep a few high :masks and :rams in hand. The :masks will give you a couple quality ripostes if they get the drop on you. The :rams will give you an easy +4Cb to your swordstyle. Cb11 v Df8 = dead Lilith.

  5. So I went and shot my mouth off.....

    Played Perdita today twice. Boxed set v Ophelia box. Ouch. Bloody battle ended up with me on the downside, after a couple bad mid-game hands.

    35ss v a Rasputina build that had Hamlin doubling up damage on me. ouch. Managed to win that on schemes, though only Hamlin was left on the table.

    So no smoking of opponents today! But still great and bloody games.

  6. :)

    As you pointed out in your pre-edited post, as a writer I'll continue to push and kick and will very purposefully try to surprise you. Character growth is very necessary in a character driven game. The next story arc planned for Book V and VI will further change the landscape a bit.


    On that note, I just sent you a little missive to cure your writing woes. ;):P

    I think it has LOADS of potential, but that's just me....

  7. My take on it has always been that each splinter of the Guild is slowly becoming the thing that they hate or hunt. Sonnia is becomig a rouge magic user with her own agendas for Malifaux, Lady Justice (well, more shown through the judge, but she DID just have a house dropped on her....) is becoming a Rezzer (or undead) and the Ortegas are becoming like the Neverborn (at least to the gremlins, as shown by Ophelia).

    Hoffman is slowly becoming a machine.

  8. The models look great, to those that say they aren't as detailed as most skirmish games YES that is true. But 40k isn't a skirmish game it is an a platoon plus game. You have to see the models as an army rather than on an individual bases, not to say that some single models don't look great i'm just sayin'

    They do look nice.

    I've said it many times in many places before, but GW really does have some stellar plastic kits nowadays. I own 60 odd plastic daemonettes (newest ones) and they are fantastic. The detail is fine. Sure, not quite so unique as a smaller scale game, but, well, I could make some comments about the quality of certain sculpts from a certain range that would undoubtably incite a flame war here...but I won't. Not because they wouldn't be true, but because it wouldn't be appropriate.

  9. If you have to ask, I guess you don't... I don't know you, but I am new to the game -- should I know you?

    Well, maybe not, but he did write a goodly sized chuck of Book 2, so it's probably a safe bet that he might know a bit about Justice/Judge backstory. Just saying.

    Personally, I always figured they had a "thing" but that all the funky weirdness in Malifaux has made things "complicated." We know, for example, that the Judge has a face-rotting issue....

  10. well, I'm sorry the cards hate you so much; I however can get it to work, and in fact, keep the models buried

    Kinda hard to say the cards hate me. I dropped a Red Joker on the cast (cast total of 18, highest you can get) and it still failed.

    I'm curious how many masters you've Boxed though, and why they didn't simply cheat/stone it away.

  11. it's not that hard of a goal cap'n, how often do you see a master with all its soul stones at the end of a game?? between that, a high crow in hand and a bad draw it's really not that hard to do

    It's the same way ramos can hit Perdita's 8df with a 3cb clockwork fist

    They don't need all of them, just one stone is enough to stop it.

    Ca4 vs average Wp of 6-8 on a master. They just need one decent card of any suit to resist. It can be lower than your crow, because theer is a decent chance they have a stone left, if necessary, to stop it.

    Frankly, as I've stated, I've never once managed it on ANY model, despite trying very hard. I've played games where my whole purpose was to box a model: any model!

    Didn't work.

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