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Posts posted by AndrewGPaul

  1. Or, for that matter, Viktoria without Ronin. How are people getting on without these (IMO rather vital) miniatures being available? I'm wondering if I'm playing at a disadvantage with not being able to use the Terror Tot's Grow spell, for instance. Or am I just making excuses for me being crap at the game? :)

  2. I think anyone that goes out of their way to clutter up the internet with spam and other malicious ware, viruses, worms, trojans and simple increase my penis size e-mails flat out are just not needed or wanted. If you want to advertise that stuff, sure, make a website and do your marketing like a normal human being, as it is, millions, hell probably billions of dollars, time, investment and whatnot goes into stopping spam and the like which is frankly a waste of resources (though argueably there are whole industries that have popped up and make money BECAUSE of it).

    I was really just venting, as I obviously didn't type "yes" (after all, the spammers have come across a pretty reasonable business model, from their point of view - do minimal work, and occasionally a sucker bites). The morons are the people who respond to the spam. :)

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