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Posts posted by Conductor

  1. Wow! Thanks to everyone for all this great advice. I'm not planning on playing competitively so it sounds like staying within one faction isn't such a big deal. Reading all the responses has given me confidence in my choice and I think I'll be starting with Shenlong. Now to head over to the strategy forums and figure out what the heck I'm doing!

    One additional question - is there a place on the forums/web where I can find players in my area? I'm not on Facebook so that might make things more difficult but I'd love to hear suggestions.

    Thanks again everyone!

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  2. I've been hovering around the outskirts of this game since it was first released and while I've always been intrigued I've never really taken the plunge to get into the game. Now with 3e out and the opinion that it seems to be a bit more streamlined it has caught my attention yet again. 

    I've been looking through the factions and masters and I'm having an interesting (at least to me) dilemma. I find that I'm very interested in one particular master for a given faction but the other masters much less so. For example - I really like Shenlong but none of the other masters in Ten Thunders are calling to me. On the other hand, I like the idea of Marcus (less so than Shenlong) but there are one or two other Arcanist masters that might be interesting options.

    I guess my question is - is it "better" to pick a master I'm less interested in a faction where I see more options or should I go with a master I'm super interested in that is part of a faction that I'm not as fond of?


    Thanks for helping a newbie out!


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