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tor gaming

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Posts posted by tor gaming

  1. I had originally planned on buying some of those, but I couldn't find them anywhere... so I eventually just used some spare foam and made my own. If you can find a store that sells them, though, they would certainly fit the bill. :D

    We stock them (all be it under the Sphere Wars name) link

    Of course, I guess you will be in the US and we're in the UK, but hey, at least we got them. :cheer2:

    free shipping too for orders over £10. :vb_devil:

  2. Hey,

    We are having the first of many painting competitions at Tor Gaming. We should have posted this here a week or so ago but didn't realise there was a news section. :stickyman

    Full details can be found here (including the full rules), below are the basic rules.

    Unfortunately, the subject isn’t Wyrd this time, but next time I'm sure it will be. Anyway, here are the details for the current one, in case anyone is interested:

    • Entries into this competition can be made using any single miniature from the entire range of Sphere Wars miniatures.
    • Closing date for entries to be submitted by is 1st November 2009
    • Entries must be emailed to contact@torgaming.co.uk
    • Winners will be announced by the 15th November 2009

    The competiton will be judged by:

    • Jordi Cañellas, the game's creator,
    • Pedro Fernandez, the sculptors’ manager
    • Angel Giraldez, we’re sure you have heard of this famous painter....

    The Prizes:

    Ah, yes, the most important part we suppose...

    There will be the following prizes for 1st and 2nd place:

    • Voted 1st place: £30 Store Credit
    • Voted 2nd place: £15 Store Credit

    Many thanks and I hope some of you enter.

    Next time, it's Malifaux, we promise!!!!!! :bigthumb:

  3. How do?

    My name is Gavin and I am Malifaux addict.

    I run a small webstore (www.torgaming.co.uk) and play at a club in Sheffield, UK (Sheffield and Rotherham wargames. Or GIMPs as we are known, don't ask why thats the name as I'm not sure)

    There are a couple of other lads with rule book and minis and I guess it will grow even more.



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