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Satan's Sodomy Baby

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Posts posted by Satan's Sodomy Baby

  1. I've been gone from Malifaux for about 2 years and I'm interested in coming back when the new edition launches.

    I noticed the Curiosity Killed the Cat set from the BF sale and it totally got me interested in playing again, but I need some advice

    The set comes with 3 Stolen. Will that be enough? I'd love to keep the crew in the "Cat" theme

    Will I need more than one Cat Princess (Rat King) set? How about the Cat Herders (Rat Catchers)?


    Also, I'm wondering if I should wait for the new edition before I purchase any models. The way they all play is likely to change a bit I'm thinking. 


    What do you think? 




  2. 14 minutes ago, Trample said:

    The term you're using here - "initial blast" isn't used in the book. A blast is represented by a round 50mm base. That's all a blast is. The initial damage is not blast damage. Both the blast and the initial damage are part of a cast or shooting for other purposes, but that's about it. 

    P.50.  Paragraph 4, 3rd sentence.  I've double checked.  Then, I double checked again.......

    It says no where that I can see under the description that the initial target doesn't count as being in the blast.  The paragraph I've qouted makes it very clear.  What am I missing?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Trample said:

    The term you're using here - "initial blast" isn't used in the book. A blast is represented by a round 50mm base. That's all a blast is. The initial damage is not blast damage. Both the blast and the initial damage are part of a cast or shooting for other purposes, but that's about it. 

    Really?  P.50.  Paragraph 4, 3rd sentence......... I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.

  4. 5 hours ago, Tuttleboy said:

    The initial damage isn't blast damage, the markets are.

    According to p. 50 under "Blasts", it says "All models whose bases are touched or overlapped by one or more Blast Markers are affected".  The forth paragraph down, last sentence says, "deal 3 damage to the original target, and 2 damage to each other model within the blast.". That last part confirms what it says in paragraph 3, that all models touched by the blast marker are considered effected by a blast.  It says no where in the rules that the initial damage isn't blast.  Everything touching the marker is, just that the initial target takes the most damage.

    Paragraph 4: "The Damage dealt by a blast from a damage flip is one step lower than the damage flipped for the initial blast".  If the "initial blast" isn't the initial target, what is it?

  5. I seem to always go back to a standard few models.  In addition to Huntin Bow, Husbandry on Ulix, Old Major w/Saddle & Corn, The Sow, Slop Hauler, Ol' Cranky, Lenny w/ Love and Pet 

    This leaves you with 6 SS.  Merris may jump in there depending on who I'm facing, maybe Burt but you'd have to shift things around


  6. We tried recording after the fauxmaha tournament and between being pretty well worn out and the horrible acoustics in the hotel room the audio just didn't turn out to a broadcast quality. Glad Kyle didn't release that bit,  bad audio is my number 1 pet peeve with podcasts

    This.  I can't tell you how many podcasts I've skipped because of this.  Especially when one of the guests sounds like he's on a speaker phone......in a tin can.


    Thank god this podcast exists, because otherwise I'd have no Malifaux podcast to listen to.  Well done Khyodee! 

  7. Not a bad idea.  To be honest, I think you doing a summery of the game was way more interesting than listening to these guys play a game.

    The way you did it was more in line with a podcast.  Even watching the best of batreps can be a snorefest.  Not bad


    P.S.  Bring Mike Brandt back for a Somer episode!  It's time for another Gremlin master focus.  Spread the love


  8. As to when will plastic effigies etc. be released, I am guessing it will be within the next year. I'm basing this off of how things seem to come out in relationship to their books:

    Book 1 of M2E was released at Gen Con in 2013 and with the Brewmaster's release this month, unless I am mistaken this means we finally have kits for everything in that book.

    Book 2 of M2E (Crossroads) was released at Gen Con last year and that is where the Effigies and Collodi were contained. The Collodi is scheduled to come out around the end of June. 

    So, it looks like it took about 2 years for everything in the first book to come out, but it seems like more of the 2nd book has come out already that this point in the timeline of the first book. Gen Con releases should be announced in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for those. If the Effigies don't show up in that round of releases, they'll probably be coming out in the fall or winter. This is purely conjecture based off of previous plastic releases.


    This is an extremely helpful perspective. Thanks so much

  9. Wait. So what you're saying is that you don't like the original metal McMourning? That is literally the first model I think of when I try to decide what my favorite model, of any game, of all time is.

    Sorry dude. I can't think of any of the old metal I even remotely like. Very few exceptions (Seamus Avatar's about it, maybe a few more). At least not the models I need.

    I could tolerate Rafkin, but not those Guild Autopsy models. I play Infinity as my main game so I'm a little spoiled. Check out that model line and you'll see why (or you may not, seeing as how you think the old metal was awsome!

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  10. I've been eyeing this game a long time.  6 years on this forum and 18 posts.  That tells you something...  


    I bought a McMourning starter and some extras.


    The problem I keep running into is I only like the new plastics.  I paused with McMourning because I'd like to see Rafkin, Guild Autopsies and such.


    I was also looking at Collodi crew starter, but no Effigy's.  Is there any chance these models I've mentioned will be released in the next year or so?  They're not exactly glamorous releases, I realize, but is anyone else of like mind?  I just can't spend my money on the old metal.


    Has anyone heard even a whisper?

  11. Ok. . I tried getting into Malifau years ago. Like 4 years ago. Hated the models. Just couldn't do it.

    But now, the new models are calling me.

    Anyway, I still have the old Puppet deck from 2010. I notice on the back of the box it says it can be used for Malifaux but I'm not so sure. For one, there's no Jokers as far as I can tell.

    Did I answer my own question?

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