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Posts posted by CrazyBones

  1. The Borg doesn't usally pick a fig off the board with one swing but with an attack of 7, you can typically take out the figure in the same activation with your Melee Expert swing (after charging).

    The speed and power of the Steamborg are godly. Add in Knock Aside and Decapitate and he is pure brutality. I never leave home without one. :)

  2. Swarms are godly, check out their Paralyse trigger, free healing flips, Melee Master, Pass Through...its enough to give your opponent Arachnophobia :)


    Swarms are pure awesome. Highly flexible and the free (0) healing flip each turn with Armor 1 makes them very durable.

    PS. Even if you don't like the looks of a Steamborg....you may change your mind once you see one in action. :rock:

  3. I have a running disagreement with a fellow gamer in my area. I am not too fond of the Ice Golem, he isn't horrible by any means but for the points I'd much rather invest 1 more and get a Steamborg.

    The armor and possibility of Subzero can make him last for a while but if your opponent is smart he/she will likely just avoid or go around the Golem.

  4. I have to agree with the original post. I like the risk of flipping a black joker and having it fail regardless of the numbers but also think the red should do the exact opposite.

    If you are flipping at negative fate the red joker should trump the "lowest" rule and be able to be used.

    Just my two cents. In the end, it's not something that has come up that often.

  5. Yeeeeeah, much of the world operates by just-in-time stocking like that. Your local grocery store does it, and if you have a Costco nearby they're the kings of that. I still say that FRP games just got hit with a supply shortage that exposed the weakness of that model.

    True, but your grocery store isnt advertising they have corn on their sign and when you walk in they are out and have been for a few days or even longer.

    I've had the same issue with FRP when I ordered my Uncharted Seas stuff.

    Right or wrong is a matter of opinion but no one can argue that they have hurt their business by it. I think the number of posts complaining of the same thing makes that a fact.

  6. I believe Ramos is actually one of the better masters. However he requires more skill to run. He is not a straightforward figure and can't be used as a offensive beat stick.

    I agree with the above on taking some single spiders although i have a hard time NOT taking a Steamborg considing how lethal it is. I find my opponents concentrating on the borg while my spiders gain a strong striking position and Ramos remains in cover pumping out spiders. Even then, my borg tends to take out 1 if not 2 figures before he falls.

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