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Posts posted by jwatto1

  1. mabey clara could have some sort of fammiliar as a servant like charecter? some sort of degenerate dwarf, little scrawnier than the others, but as a deffensive tool or accesorie??

    i invision him stooping or kneeling delivering her her purse or hand bag encrusted with soul stones. he could look like a hunch back with service men googles and shackeled ankels and rags, used as a shawl.

  2. they are great concept sketches, i love the big spaner under his arm, a common insignia running through their trinkery and cloething could tie them together with their diviant intentions, mabey something representing the guild with a twist, some icon hiden in their insignia ? snow white had an apple but it could be representing the apple of discord that eris(plz corect my spelling on that if wrong)possesed.

  3. What about another race of arcanists, who have allied with the other world, our world, because if 1 race/demention got there who says someone else didn't figure out to construct a breach, mabey some other type of technology made of synthesized lifeforms, living weaponry,armors, so on. I like the idea of an arachnid form(that would most likely make them nyphilim instead of archanists.) and an ridged matriarchal cast system.

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