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Posts posted by Magno

  1. "Broken" is often thrown out by folks who can't handle certain asymmetries.

    "My style of play is this, you're not adhering to it, so obviously your crew is broken."

    "Broken" should be reserved for a mechanics loop-hole that spins the game off balance in any mode. Like an infinite-loop mechanic or an auto-hit/ auto-defend.

    "Broken" should also be reserved for occurrences where you can isolate out the probability of the cards and the decision making of the opponent and still accomplish whatever it is you are looking to do.

    Because Malifaux is a competitive/interactive game with a limited set probability (as opposed to infinite set randomness of dice) and more importantly a battle of decisions vs another human brain, if a combo or synergy still has a chance of being countered by said probability and opposed decisions/timing, then its not broken. Then it's a matter of balance.

    The original post talks about folks claiming they've read of balance issues.

    Malifaux is not balanced. Its extremely asymmetric and this can be very inviting to more advanced gamers, because you can set-up scenarios and matches to accommodate differences in players skills; i.e., how folks handle risk-reward decision making, time actions, etc.. Such a set-up takes skill itself for an equally rewarding experience for the two parties.

    Malifaux is NOT balanced. Just because you extend the paper-scissors-rock chain out to 11 masters or more, doesn't mean it makes the game balanced. I think folks who promote the game should replace the word "unbalanced" with "asymmetric" when they here it. Its not a euphemism, its the nature of the game. Other games are more symmetric but the stat-lines are out of proportion, thus those games are truly imbalanced.

    Asymmetry should be a selling point for this game.

  2. So I've read through book 3. Was balance improved? I would argue yes. Improved on a moving target. The Avatars are a very, very interesting new twist on how games are going to be conducted. Malifaux has now introduced a slight psychology of tactics to the game I think folks are going really enjoy.

    Are Avatars powerful. Some of them are scary. But they not without their shortcomings or management. Avatars also introduce new in game management decisions and bring a new depth to play, not just variants of masters. It's pretty exciting.

  3. I don't really feel like arguing for/against whether or not, or how, Malifaux is balanced compared to other mini games. However, I do not recall the game ever being "sold" as being balanced in any way shape or form. I don't recall seeing advertising to that effect, it is not printed on the sales blurbs on the book covers or crew boxes, and I don't recall ever seeing anything about game-balance in the advertising on the Wyrd website.

    The only thing I see advertised about Malifaux is that it has an alternate earth setting, uses cards instead of dice, and has a relatively small number of models needed. That is all I have found from Wyrd's advertising.

    Now, as I understand it the developers have commented in interviews/interwebs/whatnot that their goal was balance between factions rather than the masters, and the rules for the game itself seem to imply that, but I have not seen them try to SELL that. The only people that seem to be trying to sell that seem to not be affiliated with Wyrd.

    In this case I'm not using "sold" and "advertise" in the strict literal sense, more by extension of the fans, respected voices and yes, by the podcasts and interviews.

    I'm not interested in comparing the game's balance to other games either.

    I'm more concerned with how the game is stewarded by the main fans, how its rolled out for events, etc..

  4. @Q'iq'el,

    Again, folks here are arguing how unique and different Malifaux is, both in how it handles balance and competition, so why are we held to the same old same old competitive formats?

    "Because, thats what people want."

    Right, and if Henry Ford listened to his customers he would have made horse carriages.

    Often times people want what they know. All Paradox is getting at is why not challenge the whole gaming industry with a competitive format that they can't follow. So when customers "want that" the only place they can get it is Malifaux.

    Again, we've been challenged here by the proponents if balance to approach the game differently than others games. Fine, challenge accepted..... years ago. I'm asking you guys to consider whether this whole "faction balance" thing is really worth the effort? It's patching up the game to conform to industry norms, when from the outset, it could have pursued something different and this whole discussion is likely moot and we could be debating something new, different, and well ,... Wyrd.

  5. People keep saying that only a sub-group of Masters are competitive at tournament, so far I've seen no evidence of this. I have seen evidence to the contrary.

    But who has this data? The evidence used here is far from convincing. If I pull the results of one tournament with the top three players having played Marcus, does that mean that Marcus is broken?

    So the winning player played Vikis 3 times and Leveticus once? I could swing this evidence both ways;

    1. Faction balance is had because the winner used multiple masters

    2. Faction balance is a myth because the winner used one master 75% of the time.

    We'd need data from all over the country/world, for a good chunk of time to make the case cemented one way or the other.

    Once you've compiled enough data to create normal distributions (or simply normalize a given trait) of all the "random" factors; i.e., equal number of games a master has seen with good and bad players, equal number of games each master per strategy, etc.. The data would be hard to filter out individually. Then if you were to see the distribution leaning one way or the other per master, per faction, we'd know for surz.

    But until then, everyone is just gonna have to keep practicing their debate skills. :D

  6. So round and round we go.

    Because forcing people to buy specific models is a bad thing. There's a vast difference between "You'll have a hard time being competitive if you only buy Marcus" and "You cannot enter unless you own all 4 masters for your faction."

    I'm not advocating that you have to play all 4 current masters,but even if I did, and the game is still maintained and sold as faction balanced, then that's being a little more open and honest with how you should be prepared for investing into the game.

    If you're gonna play casually, then get whatever crew you want.

    If you're gonna go competitive (because the only events we hold are 1 vs 1 competition) then be prepared to buy at least two masters.

    More importantly, the whole point of Malifaux is that you can pick and choose the right models for the job. Forcing people to play all 4 goes against that just as much as forcing them to play 1. You actually reduce it back to master balance, because you remove the choice.

    Again, before this goes too far off on one tangent, my argument is that if you're gonna sell this game as faction balanced while condoning (exclusively at this point) 1 vs 1 competitions, then its in the interest of this purported faction balance that players use different masters per tournament. Otherwise, all we've done is added a new randomness factor, I could (and have) gone through whole tournaments with the same master simply because the match-up dictated the advantage to me. It does, hear me again, DOES help balance insofar that you can avoid a poor match-up if you have the option to change your master in between matches, but this is really nothing more than another paper-scissor-rock decision and not true balance (because balance should leave the outcome of the game determined by the events within the match, not from the set-up, and not from ancillary conditions pre-match). It can be fun, but you really don't want to pin that much on a master decision. And yes, I say master because the game is force centered on the master and many masters have limited choices of models they can select.

    So because, individual games do not have true balance, then tournaments should not be the summation of isolated individual games. Tournaments should then adhere to the "faction" balance and have linked strategies, or consequences that determine who your next master is, etc..

    Because people want organized events just like most other systems. That should be rather obvious from all the concern and discussion over whether or not Malifaux is balanced for tournaments - people care about that because they care about tournaments.

    Can they do more detailed, story-driven events? I certainly hope so. But that really doesn't have anything to do with the game balance we're discussing.

    I know people want organized events and tournaments, and because there has and likely always will be discussions on balance, then either;

    A. Balance needs to ensured in the interest of 1 vs 1 tournaments; i.e. Master balance

    B. A new competitive format needs to be pursued to accommodate the uniqueness of Malifaux.

  7. If the game is opined as "faction balanced", then the game should be advertised as a faction investment. If organized events are to be sold as "faction balanced" then why not force players to play the whole faction? (With book three coming out, this will be impossible in 4round or less events, but you get the idea).

    Also, other folks in this thread are going off about that Malifaux is so different from other games in it's balance. Ok, great. But folks like myself and Paradox are taking that argument and wanting more action on it, i.e., if Malifaux is different, then why run organized events just like most other systems?

  8. Also, many folks are touting that the game is strategy based, thus we need not worry about whether a crew can kill. Although only one strategy is all out blood bath, MOST strategies and schemes involve the destruction of opposing models. So the balance of the game is still weighed heavily by crews abilities to kill and/or survive which lends credence to some folks insisting that if there were a metric or supporting data, you could discuss the balance of the crew and/or faction.

  9. Well, what defines balance?

    To me, it's a question of whether two players can go into a relatively competitive environment, and have their chances of winning defined largely by their skill; that their pre-game choices don't cripple them, or give them a huge advantage.

    In Malifaux, what are those pre-game choices? Faction - that's it. So if I go into a Malifaux tournament having chosen Arcanists, am I screwed? What if I picked Guild, am I guaranteed a top-tier finish? Not even close.

    This is what I was saying before - some players seem very unwilling to accept Malifaux's approach to balance.


    The thing I can't figure out is why some people are so unwilling to accept this. .....

    Ok, this is a solid argument for balance. But what may be throwing people off here is that people don't necessarily invest in Malifaux on a faction basis, they invest on a Master basis, especially since many masters have prepacked lists (or lists that are very limited/highly themed).

    If the salesmanship of balance is per faction, then the selling of the game's products with the intent to take part in events and/or to be competitive, should be advertised as faction based.

    But many people don't buy into Malifaux like this. Maybe some folks have a particular faction they buy 100% (me Rezzers), but buy single Masters otherwise.

    People are probably unwilling to accept the "balanced by faction" argument because it doesn't match up with their consumption habits or the freedom that Mailfaux allows for folks to purchase certain themes; e.g., constructs, spirits, etc..

  10. Balancing faction to faction, IMO, doesn't make the game balanced. I mean, it does to a degree,...

    I wholeheartedly agree. I read a lot of people making the statement that factions are balanced but it still doesn't make sense to me, since players still have the freedom to pick masters as they see fit and the fact that certain masters are tier 1, means they will get picked more often.

    You can walk through a whole tournament without seeing a master's counter or pulling scenario/schemes that are optimal for the crew you're playing, imbalance is carrying you part of the way.

    If you have roughly ~50/50 shot at winning a game based on the models on the table over a spread of different scenarios (not considering probabilities and player skill), then that system enjoys balance.

    Otherwise, perturbations of lucky match-ups has too strong an influence over the tournament results.

  11. Ok, so we'd need to have data complied to support the claim of balance or no balance.

    Are all master's played evenly over a spread of tournaments and locations? Or are a particular set of masters played, a set rarely played and a set that typically win quite often?

    From the few tournies that I've been in and observed, there are indeed some masters that rarely ever get played and a set of masters that are very popular for their effectiveness.

    Are there some masters that really do well against a majority of other masters? Yes. hence imbalance. If the factions were intended to be balanced, not the masters, then you would have individual masters have equal sets of opposing masters that they are better than and not better than, such that compiling all the master of the factions together, their "paper-scissor-rock" match-ups equal out.

    Is this true?

    Are there an equal number of masters that Lady J will typically defeat as opposed to loose to?

    Is this true for Marcus?

    For Hamlin?

    For Seamus?

    For Kirai?

    If Lady J and Perdita are affective vs 75% of other masters, Sonia and Hoffman only 25%, then there still isn't really balance here, since players will majority of the time take Lady J and Perdita and have majority advantages. Now, if you were forced to play Hoffman and Sonia in certain match-ups, then you could say that the tournament/event was balanced and a truer test to individuals playing abilities.

  12. There are balanced systems out there, Malifaux is not one of them.

    You can argue that Malifaux is balanced but this requires the boundary conditions to open up to the entire faction (I'm still not sure of that) and the required need of scenarios and schemes, sometimes very particular scenarios and schemes. So if anyone says Malifaux is balanced, then its not a robust balance. Its a highly conditional balance.

  13. First shot at OSL, not bad, not bad at all.

    So by extending light way out to the pants and shirt, the little octopus shouldn't have brown/black lining between him and the lantern. Its confusing.

    OSL colors don't match up and their intensities are reveresed. The source of light should be the brightest and closest to white, even if you're utilizing a monochromatic light source.

    The green effect you see was unintentional. I did some drybrushing with my yellow (can't remember the color I used), and painted some straight highlights. I also used a yellow wash to add more glow. I think that the browns may have had some blue/black in them, and one thing I've encountered is when you paint yellow on black that it goes a little green.

    So you're demonstrating a good understanding of colors and you're familiar with other techniques, I gotta say,

    drop the dry brushing. I know it's quick, but its not that quick and it has rarely, rarely ever been pulled off with good affect.

    I think you're short changing yourself with dry brushing and you could easily pump out 7.5-8s on CMON with ease if you developed other techniques.

  14. P.S. The $900 is all for Malifaux

    Sh****************t. Are you picking up loot for a store?

    In that case, I think you can drop 3 or 4 crew boxes and pick up puppet wars.

    Really; for $750 you can pick up 10 full crews or all the minis for ~2.5 factions, unless you're playing 80SS brawls.

    Seriously, if its all for Malifaux stuff, then get Puppet Wars.

  15. $900 purchase list?!?!?!

    I think you might have more a issue with room in the car or luggage. AHAHAHA!

    For me, I'd really like to purchase it and everything else, but I just bought a house so PWs just fell off to down the road.

    Are you planning on playing it right away, paint the minis or show it off to friends back home an bathe in their envy? Then grab it.

    The previous years I've gone to GenCon I've dropped massive funds and found that I didn't use or touch half of the loot till months or a year later.

    This year, I'm making only "necessary" purchases.

  16. Indeed it is in the first book, but the first GenCon tourney, subsequent events and every pick up game I played for the first almost year (and even now) you already had a set crew before certain strategies were disclosed, but this is more a matter of community discipline.

    .... and you don't need to move forward a list like Rasputina suddenly becomes very viable.

    I still contend that miniature games don't have a massive amount of "nonreactive" planning in them and statements like that don't disagree with it.

    A. Rapsutina is not a list, she's a model.

    B. The game and its design have a "hidden hand" that almost forces you to play certain lists when deciding on a particular master.

    C. Planning revolves mostly in the master in many cases.

    <went out for a smoke and a walk to really think about this post>

    But because of the force centric nature of the masters and all the wacky abilities the creates such highly asymetric balance, I'll admit, Malifaux probably has some of the higher necessity of "non-reactive" planning in the miniature world.

  17. In Malifaux you choose your list after Strategy... So you can react to a certain extent

    AHAHAAH! Dam, I never noticed that in the second book.

    I guess I developed a stark habit from book one and most other gaming groups that folks usually always already had a crew ready to go, then flip the strategy.

    This does indeed place more weight on "nonreactive" planning since you now have foreknowledge of what you're trying to achieve, hence you can develop a plan beyond simply exploiting game imbalances.

    Ach-so, the OP carries a little more merit.

    Nonetheless, a focused list is still nothing more than playing the averages, exploiting imbalances against current crews for the most part.

  18. And, I disagree with you Mango (not surprisingly). Another truth about wargaming is that you can't be preared for everything. No list can have an answer for every opponant. If you try, you take non-optimal choices, dead choices, and can end up disjointed and unable to complete objectives.

    You disagree with me, Why? You don't like logic?

    So, lets go through all this effort of planning, because its the best thing to do, knowing that you're probably making those very non-optimal choices.

    You toute the importance of nonreactive planning, then talk about you can't be prepared for everything. If no list can be prepared for every opponent (especially true in Malifaux); then throw out the nonreactive planning garbage and sharpen your reactive planning, strats and abilities. Your other arguements lead to this notion, "Nonreactively plan to be reactive."

    "Force people to play to your strengths."

    Ok, what happens when their strength mulligans your strength? Now that, I'm forced to be reactive, I'm now playing to loose because of my planning or because the construct and design of the game just set-it up that way?

    However, you don't plan on blasts.

    But what if he does plan on seeing blasts and still brings the same list. Is that nonreactive planning?

    Your first post says nonreactive planning is against the game itself, not the player. So what is the "game" then if you take the opponent out of it? The scenarios? The schemes? Most of which concern an opponent.

    I'm confused here.

    Without an opposing player, scenario and schemes concerning players and schemes, what can you plan for?

    Hand size? # of soulstones? Number of models? How fast you want to be? Wait, fast why? Why do you need to be fast? To outmanouvre someone? Wait that's involving a player. To get to a interactive scenario element by turn two? Ok, stuff like that. But your expounding nonreactive planning to deal with opposing players.

    It's not that you can never plan on some contigencies, of course, but it is a fundementally weaker way of thinking. Given two choices, you generally want one that plays to your strengths rather than hedging out weaknesses.

    This is a poor example for your argument. I'm sure there are better ones for you to draw.

    So, overspecialization = strength? Your nonreactive planning has just pigeon-holed you into a problem that you will be forced to play defensively if you encounter an enemy that can avoid being shot and get in your face quickly.

    Wait, didn't you say that being reactive is being defensive and playing not to loose?

    It's mind boggling to follow your logic. Nonreactive planning is what we should be doing over an ability to be reactive such that we are giving ourselves and advantage, yet that same planning can and will place us at disadvantages in many instances.

    Create a strategy that is a maximum balance of two things; playing to your strengths and affording yourself the ability to react to those things will become your weakness. Its attempting a maxima-minima problem in mathematics without concrete or descritized parameters and its what makes human-constructed games a joy and challenge to wrestle.

    Its like the difference between "Euor-boardgames" and "Ameritrash" games.

    Euro-games are challenges against the game itself, games where the layout/setup varies little from game to game, where your nonreactive planning is at its strongest.

    "Ameritrash": ala Malifaux: the game is more about dealing with probabilities, another player, and massive amounts of asymetries. Here, reactive planning and strategies are better suited, because it would have been nice if you brought that particular list for this particular match-up, but if you didn't know, then reactions and flexability serve you much better.

    Having the Executioner in a Perdita list may sacrifice a little of the synergistic shooting (via Companion: Family for an "alpha strike"), but it gains you a tremendous more in defensive and deterent ability against CC troops, objectives, etc.. Because, having the executioner lurking about and making other folks think twice about cavalier bum rushes to Family models and/or objectives is playing not to loose I forgot.

    Having a ton of un-used "defensive" Nuclear weapons a massive standing mechanized army really served us well when terrorism became the global warfare. All that planning of our military was against an idealized symetric enemy state. We tried forcing terrorists to play by our strengths and rules, and it didn't work. We had to react, change our strategy and our "planning".

    The main point I'm addressing to your OP, is that non-reactive planning isn't worth the energy in an asymetric, highly dynamic game like Malifaux (or most any other miniature game), that relies on probability, and human psychology.

  19. nonreactive planning is a luxury for crews that dictate most match-ups. You can't really have Nonreactive planning in a miniature game. Non-reactive planning is for game where its a multiple player solitaire game. Something like Race for the Galaxy, Twilight Imperium at the beginning of the game, some sets of Dominion, etc.. Games where there is little no interaction between players en route to achieving victory. Most Malifaux games, you're neck deep in interaction with other player's models or scenario/schemes by round two. Nonreactive planning in Malifaux is limited to creating the biggest most affective Combos and synergies you can, which is for the most part already lined up for us by the designers.

  20. Thanks for all the good advice :) ill try and get some stuff posted as and when i get it done. At the moment my table is covered with bits of paper for my terrain board. But i should be able to fit in some cleaning and undercoating today.

    @CapnJen - That tends to be how i do my 20mm and 10mm. I was wanting to raise my game slightly with 28mm. I thought that undercoating white would be better for colourful models. I read an interesting article about undercoating white black washing it and then drybrushing it white, so you still have the shading in the deeps, this sounded like the best of both worlds and was what i was going to try with my minis. Have you or anyone had any experience with this method?

    Don't bother. You can just prime in black, then prime with white from above in delicate bursts to create a faux zenithal highlight that allows you to see where the highlights should be. It takes a little practice. Too little white and it doesn't help, too much and it could form a "cracked earth" layer.

    Alternatively, you can do the white zenithal primer after you've base coated and then use a series of glazes to smooth things out. This is how the painter(s) for HellDorado do theres. If you're at GenCon, I recommend checking those models out to see what "speed painting" can achieve.

    The best method IMO is using an airbrush to prime your models. Canned aerosol is REALLY finicky especially in humid areas. I use an airbrush to prime my models now and to do the dual prime technique is a snap now, although I typically use the just white.

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