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Posts posted by Kayvaan

  1. Personally I'm very disappointed. I waited for the Guilang und Togan for quite a long time, but these minis just don't look right to me. The pose of Togan is just... strange and the style of the Guilang doesn't go with the old one. (It just looks different, I can't really explain ^^')

    I'm not too keen on the other minis either, the ranger ist ok, although the pigtails look a bit strange imo and the Lizard looks too much like Appleseed and too less like an own idea...

  2. And I hope you all remembered to do something nice for your moms today!

    Of course :)

    (although there was another reason for that, which isn't that nice at all... (her friend/cohabitee/whateveryoucallit had an apoplexia last thursday and so she isn't in the best mood these days...))

    Anyway, some flowers and chocolates to all moms today ^_^

  3. They are nicely done, but I prefer the female winged demon and the dragon...

    Concerning the price, I think they are for Warhammer players anyway, so if you compare the price with Forgeworld, they are not that expensive... (they are expensive of course, but at least they are not omg expensive and I figured, that people who play more than they paint don't know many alternatives, so the price looks quite cheap, if you stumble upon them...)

    @diehard the other demons are here http://wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?t=3910

  4. "Now don't you move a muscle, buddy! Dang it, I know they fell here somewhere!"

    LÖL! xD

    I like them all more or less, although I hoped to see more of the new Yu Jing minis in a separate blister...

    Concerning prices, since I started with 40k some years ago, I think they're not that expensive, although vike is right of course, but nearly all gaming minis are more expensive than those that are just for fun...

  5. Thanks for your offer, but as I thought, she'd be too small and in the meantime I found what I was looking for. (he, and the last minis (which I ordered first) arrive this week... at least that's what this mail order told me, after letting me wait for over 3 months... ARG!!) Anyway, Pandora, Mortimer and Samael are here on my desk and when Sebastian and McMoruning arrive, I'm finally able to decide what I'll do with Pandora and the whole diorama... *sigh* finally...

    I just hope that McMourning and Sebastian are the same size as Pandora and Samael... As Mortimer is way to small and looks a bit out of place when standing behind Samael...

  6. As I said, we played the mansion twice and while he killed my Union he only lost his Schocktruppe and got his Heizinger and Zermann badly wounded... The other time I slaughtered him. ("Hey, behind that wall is their leader *bang*" "Look there's that dynamite woman *whip sound*" "Big... machine gun.... must... KILL *slice*") And because he didn't even managed to kill Eva while he had a very good chance to, (I had plenty of victory points...) he ended the game, having lost all of his heroes without dealing more damage than two wounds... Well, bad luck at some points, but being a bit unlucky shouldn't tip the odds that much in the opponent's favor.

    Of course your variation is also an idea, but personally I don't like to play a game, where I'm just trying to cut my losses, knowing, that I'll lose eventually. (We do that everytime we play Doom already, but if you play with three marines it's at least a lot of fun ^^)

    @supervike he, yeah, that can happen, too (imo Zermann is the best soldier anyway ^^) personally I also like the insta-kill weapons, but sometimes I thought that there where to many minis running around with them.

  7. Until now we only played Deathmatch. The first two rounds were just to learn the basics and the third time was two weaks later and we wanted to get used to the rules again, but after the massacre I wrote about (he hardly even managed to hurt me while I ran around and killed everything I saw) my friend wasn't that motivated to play again so we just discussed about the problems and how to solve them... (The main idea was to remove all instant-kill weapons just to get the game last a little longer without getting stuck, but we haven't tried that out so far..)

    But perhaps we'll just try it again and play another mode first. ^^

    Oh and another thing: As far is I read and played, the combat packs seemed to be the best loadouts, is that different in other modes?

  8. I thought that too, but if you flip the board over and play on the other map it changes the game dramatically. I've never actually won as the Reich on that side.

    You're right, my union wasn't slaughtered that badly when we played on that side (the second time we played the game) and I actually made my friend get quite mad about my flash guns (Oh, there goes Eva... And there goes your Stosstruppe). But we actually needed much more time to play that round because at some point the situation was just stuck and neither of us wanted to do something: He because his situation couldn't be better where he was and I because I couldn't go anywhere without getting myself killed or at least into serious danger. In the end neither of us really liked that side and so we played the mansion again and this time I played the Reich... And I slaughtered the Union even worse than he did...

    Anyway, in my opinion that is just another side of the main problem of Tannhäuser: It just depends too much on what map you play and which faction you go for, and personally I'm not too keen on playing a game where the outcome is that predictable. (Which is quite sad as I really like the idea behind the game..)

  9. The new minis look quite nice (especially the one in the middle) But as I played the game with a friend several times we were a little disappointed, because whoever played the Reich won the game.

    ("I can't see you... But I shoot you anyway"/"I strangle you with my lash"/"I cut you in a half with one hit"/"I roast your brain"... And I'll do all that without giving you the opportunity to shoot me with your flash guns...)

  10. Some friends to play with are cool, too ^^

    I'd really like to see them in the near future!

    And don't worry about the undead thing, I my opinion, a monster can be brutal and deadly without being dead itself ;) (although it helps of course... and it looks better... for a monster)

  11. @demonherald yet another good idea ^^ when I've got all the minis I need I'll try some poses and see what I like most and then I'll post some pics... And if I can't decide I'll just post some pics ^^

    and thanks for your motivation :)

    @DeafNala I think I found everything I want but I'd really like to see those minis... sounds interesting! Thanks :)

    @Frustrated Father I wasn't able to find a picture of her, do you happen to have one or two?

  12. I think I'll stick to Pandora. Getting Misaki into a pose that fits would exceed my skills and Pandora's ragged clothes underline that "I'm held captive" feeling quite well anyway, so I'm putting her with her back against a wall and tie her up a bit... Those belts around her legs could come in handy there... ^^

    And the box... dunno, perhaps I'll put it on a table and glue one of those steamspiders on it, that accidentally released some demonic jack in the box from an older experiment... ^^

    Alright then, I'll purchase them as soon as possible and get started... And I'll also try to remember taking some photos to show you :)

  13. @gi6ers thanks, but I think she'd look a bit like a halfling ^^'

    @Frustrated Father yeah, I hope I can create the same feeling when I build the scene ^^

    @demonherald hmm, nice idea, the dress of the belle in the middle is what I'm looking for, I just need to find another head... (Any ideas? ^^)

    I was also thinking about Pandora, as her pose is quite nice and because I think that sculpting a new dress is easier than sculpting a new face. (By the way, I'm not sure about her face either, is she yelling or screaming?)

    Sammael is also a good idea, although I think he looks a bit to much like he really could achieve what he wants to do... On the other hand, getting a shovle in the neck hurts, wether you're a witchhunter or not ^^ ...and he'd obviously fit the style.

    How am I with Greenstuff... Not too good I think, usually I just use it to fill gaps or make smaller conversions like adding some hair or changing an arm.

    thanks for your help :)

  14. Hi there! Recently I had a little scene in my mind, which was inspired by some Wyrd minis and some old b/w horror movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. and now I wanted to build it.

    I imagine a little old house in a cold rainy autmn night, somewhere near a graveyard. The lovely maid has been abducted by the evil scientist who wants to do some very evil experiments with her and now the young and bold hero is going to that house in order to rescue the maid so that she falls in love with him and they can live happily ever after...

    But as I like the bad guys in those movies more than the good guys and because it fits the style of Wyrd much better, the whole rescue thingy isn't going so well at all.

    So when the hero arrives at the house and peeps through a window he sees the mad scientist (Douglas McMourning) and his assistant (Sebastian) standing in front of the tied maid, beginning with the preparations for their experiments but before he can make a plan how to rescue her (*cough* run in there and demand that they set her free) the other assistant (Mortimer) sneaks up on him with his spade...

    So far so good, I've got the concept, I've got putty, I will have McMourning, Sebastian and Mortimer soon and I'm motivated, but I've also got a big problem: I don't have any idea where I could get the maid and the hero from. The maid should just stand still and wear a long nightdress. (Of course it would be perfect if she rose her arms a bit, but that would be my least problem) The hero should look just like a usual cliché hero, leaning a bit forward. So if you know some minis I could use here or even better an onlineshop where I can get them (I'm living in Germany, but everything in Europe is fine) I'd be very glad if you could tell me, as I really want to build this and as I'm not good enough to sculpt them by myself.

    Many thanks!!

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