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Posts posted by Dragonforge

  1. I see the greeen dots related to users and highlighting it talks about reputation.

    I see the little heck mark thing that says compliment another user.

    I have clicked on more than a few.

    But, as of yet still have not seen a single person add a dot...

    How many clicks does it take to add a dot so to speak? Or perhaps the better question is

    "what does it take to add dots?"

    Huh what????? :thinking:

  2. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that apparently more than a few do because these guys are pumping out new product all the time and someone has to pay for that, and that usually indicates customer sales.

    Well yes and no.. They design them on a computer.. oh that takes a few minutes and they can run a small sample in minutes also and take pictures.. if no one order them theres not much lost in investment..yeah if they get an order for them they can feed a sheet or what ever acrylic into the laser cutter and make tokens. So for a new set a few dollars could be investment. It just got to be rather silly with the different tokens they were posting on TMP almost daily for a while.. and yes Michelle I think there is a pizza token somewhere.

    I have a local guy with a machine that engraves plates for bases for me and watched him to designs for pretty complex design in a short period.

  3. I'm actually working on this project and I can assure each and everyone one of you this does not mean the end to PP selling metal figures as you know it..in fact they will sell even more metal figures..I've even been assigned more sculpts for metal miniatures so there should be no panic from anyone.

    This is just another direction and venture for Privateer Press to broaden their horizons.

  4. The problem is your being honest with your size.. and everyone else isn't..they call it 28mm..or "Heroic" 28mm but no one really says how big they are.. Jim at Darksword is good at this..he calls his figures the "New" 28mm scale when in reality most of his figures are 35mm tall. Hardly 28mm.

    The issue here is we are not talking about a scale.. were talking about a size. 28mm is not a scale..its a size.. 1/56th is a scale..why be cause we know that 1 is 1/56th of the original size and in most cases were talking about inches.. so if you have a 6 foot tall man that makes him 72 inches tall or 1.285 inches tall in 1/56th scale or 32.6mm tall. I choose 1/56th scale as its the closest to whats accepted for 28mm.

    If everyone out there would measure from bottom of foot to top of head we would see a consistency, but we have one company measuring to the eyes, others to top of head.. one says a 6' tall man is the ideal size..another says its a 6'6" barbarian.. when in reality I think the average height of a man is 5'10"

    Its all relative.. people just want something to piss an moan about.

  5. sigh.. wish I could get some of those..


    You can..in 2 months when the rest of the world can. It will be released first in French in France soon and then English in the US soon after. Maybe early next year but unlike other French miniature lines that are too cool..these will make it here.

  6. I finally took pictures of a unit of Tau Pathfinders with Devilfish troop carrier I did about 2 years ago.

    The devilfish was painted in an Urban Pixilated cammo pattern. The Pathfinders are a 5 man squad with a gun drone.

    Larger pictures may be found here http://dragonforge.com/Painting%20service/galleries/sci-fi/tau_pathfinders.htm

    Please go vote at http://www.coolminiornot.com/172025 if you wish.

    Thanks-Jeff Wilhelm


  7. Other than the heat of the molten metal, it is safer than resin. To do resin casting at anything approaching a commercial level, you need a really good ventilation system, and well-fitted (with a functional organic vapor cartridge) respirators for each caster. There were several kit producers on the garage kit forums who've had to quit casting resin because of sensitivity or allergies to the resin becoming a major health hazard (IIRC, potentially fatal in one case).

    Resin is also a lot more abusive to RTV silicone molds than metal is to real vulcanized molds. For some resin models, the RTV molds are only usable for 20-25 castings before they are damaged.

    Actually a respirator will do you no good. The vapors given off from resin are isocyonite based.. basically like the vapors off superglue.. this is NOT cyonide..thats totally different. The molecules are so small they will pass through any cartrige filter you can get. Ventilation is the key to it. The vapors off resin are actually heavier than air so they sink to the floor level and build up.

  8. I think he is sort of like a Python, swallows his prey whole, and lets it digest.

    Sort of the way I eat steak and small children.

    Hey if they are slow moving and get in the way I guess they are fair game :)

    As for the lizardman I like him, add the fact that its a sculpt by Eric himself is more impressive because now hes illustrator, figure painter and now sculptor .. a jack of all trades.

  9. well having worked with both.. as I was casting metal yesterday and resin today Ill make a few compairasons.

    With metal, speed is the factor..I can cast 500 miniatures in a hour or so..with resin that would take me a week.. resin is relatively slow. From mix to demold time were talking 15 minutes on average with resin and 60 seconds with metal.

    Resin is lighter weight than metal so the larger the item the more expensive the metal item is to ship over the resin one.

    Resin holds details better than metal, but metal is more durable and resin is fragile and breakable in thin cross sections.

    Metal molds last for 1000's of copies, I might get 50 copies out ofa RTV rubber mold before it tears and Im making a new one.

    Large items cast in metal as they cool and shrink, will get a granular look to them and get cracking and pitting. Resin on the other hand the larger the otem the nice the casting. Small pieces with thin crosssections tend to get small air bubbles in them if not properly vented.

    Rejects..if its a miss cast metal figure, back in the pot it goes..melted down and recasr. same goes for all the gates and sprues. Resin, if its a miss cast its in the trash can it goes..same for gates and sprues..so your throwing away waste material.

    The price of pewter had risen to over $8.00 a pound so large objects like big dragons can now cost a fortune to produce and retail price is expensive. A resin cast dragon can cost a little less. plus its much lighter to ship.

    I like resin, I find its easy to clean up and has amazing details.

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