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Posts posted by CaffeineBoy

  1. I voted Outcasts 'cause I'm having HUGE fun putting together/painting up my Som'er Teeth box + Hog Whisperer and all those piglets and bayou gremlins! That swamp board at GenCon was inspired and makes me want to run these guys first.

    Still, I own Perdita & family, Zoraida, McMourning, Lilith, Marcus, Rasputina and a couple of others, so it's hard to commit to just one...

  2. Welcome, dboeren!

    We've shared threads in other fora but I wanted to stop by and say welcome aboard. Wyrd has been one of my favorite high-flavor/artisan sculpt/superior customer service mini-companies for a while now and Malifaux, as a game, really seems to do the minis justice (Lady Justice, that is...). That, plus you've obviously got good taste in Masters (I've got Zoraida coming and bought both Lady J and Lilith at GenCon). I own a ton of their individual minis already (Perdita, several of the Arcanists' beasties, some of the Resurrectionist characters 'cause they're just so darn creepy).

    You have chosen wisely.

  3. Just to make your day, there are some pretty solid rumors that Hell Dorado has been picked up by a US distributor. So it might not be dead yet. That being said you should totally play Malifaux as well :)

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've been waiting for the English rulebook from Hell Dorado for what, two years now? Much as I loved the concepts/sculpts/even rules, Malifaux is in my grubby li'l mitts right now, it's gorgeous and I don't have to sweat the vaguarites of quasi-Franglish rules. (No, of course I wasn't touched in the bad place by Confrontation and/or Cadwallon... why do you ask?).

    I'm finding that the more I read the rulebook, the more I like Malifaux. And I started out loving it! Now, to strong-arm some local players...

  4. Eastern


    Alabama-Phenix City/WhiskyJakk

    New York - Rochester - Travis Syxx

    Kentucky - Lexington - mozart


    Ohio-Columbus-Grammaton Cleric


    Maryland-Fredneck/MoCo - Angel of Menoth


    WV-Martinsburg (Eastern Panhandle)- The Lemondrop Dan

    Northern Virginia - St. Anger

    New York City/Brooklyn - CaptMorgan

    Frederick - Sarr

    Florida - Orlando - TheBugKing

    Michigan - Detroit (west side) - Nerdelemental, Magno

    Michigan - Jackson - Leb14, Mbowsher76, Bacon_Sizzler

    Maine - Portland - Thrall_Love

    Massachusetts - Boston/Worcestor - McNs

    Connecticut - Hartford area - tberry7403



    Illinois - Chigago and Burbs - Nilus, WEiRD sKeTCH, Jokerohki, PolishSausage

    Indiana - Terre Haute/Bloomington - Pavic

    Indiana - Indianapolis - Sryth

    Wisconsin - Madison - Gargathor

    Wisconsin- Appleton--Smoke

    Kansas - Wichita - Gregdorf

    Missouri - Union/St. Louis/St. Charles - MEdwards, Snakeking, Brasidas, Thetang22 (on occasion)

    Nebraska - Grand Island - Thetang22

    Minnesota - Twin Cities (Roseville) - CaffeineBoy



    Utah - Layton - Grimwolf

    Utah - SLC - Napar

    Colorado - Longmont - Gobbo



    California (Southern) - Keltheos

    Nevada - Las Vegas - HighSerraphim (+2 others not on this forum)

    Oregon - Tigard - CrazyBones

    Oregon - Portland SE - Peterdita

    Washington - Vancouver/Portland - Goblyn13

    Washington - Olympia - blkdymnd

    Abroad (use Country)






    QC - Montreal - Xenon_Wulf



    BC - Vancouver/Richmond - Draykin



    Sachsen - Leipzig - Nimor

    Hamburg- Hamburg- Peanut



    Gelderland - Arnhem - illustrange/Melvin

    Groningen - Groningen - Malebolgia/Marijn



    Dublin - Dublin - lauth81





    Glasgow - DangerousBeans

    Glasgow - Mechaace



    West Sussex - Midhurst - elysium64



    Queensland - Brisbane - Dr D

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