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Posts posted by AinuLainour

  1. 1) Favorite: Food, if you had to pick 1 item to eat as your last meal, this is your prefect food

    Sweet and Sour pork from Highland's Chinese Restaraunt in North Vancouver.

    2) Favorite: Type (nationality) of Cuisine

    Italian or Chinese.

    3) Favorite: Breakfast

    French Toast, or really, really good pancakes!

    4) Favorite: Lunch

    I've loved Chicken Strips since I was a kid and haven't grown out of them.

    5) Favorite: Dinner

    Ribs w/ Caesar salad or Chinese.

    6) Favorite: Desert

    Tiramasu (sp?)

    7) Favorite: Drink (non-alcoholic)

    Root beer

    8) Favorite: Alcoholic Drink

    Rickard's Red

    9) Favorite: You're ordering a meal that can be prepared anywhere from mild to super spicy, what would you usually choose.


    10) Favorite: Pizza (list all the things you'd put on your ideal pizza)

    Pepperoni on it's own is fine.

    11) Favorite: Fruit or vegetable

    I love nearly every fruit, apples, peaches, oranges, bananas, and though vegetables like celery and carrots are o-k, fruits win hands down.

    12) Favorite: Your favorite restaurant and why (and where it is, so if we're ever in your part of the world we can go there!)

    Highland's Chinese Food by the Cleveland Dam in North Vancouver, or the Chinese Restaraunt in Edgemont Village, or Giordano's in Chicago.

    13) Favorite: Guilty pleasure food (something you probably wouldn't admit you like but you can't help it).

    Margaritas, coolers, and I also like broccoli, but have no trouble admitting it.

    14) Favorite: Type/cut of meat

    Medium sirloin.

    15) Favorite: Sandwich (construct your ideal sandwich, list everything)

    Chicken Terayki from subway.

    16) Least Favorite: Fruit or Vegitable, something you always avoid

    Asparagus and white rice. I can't stand either.

    17) Least Favorite: Food item that was absolutely the worst thing you have ever tried to eat.

    Oh man. There was a TRADITIONAL Chinese food place I went to with some cousins.. food was ... ugh. I've probably had worse, but forget.

    18) Least Favorite: Drink (alcoholic or otherwise)

    Coconut milk was VILE the last time I tried it, but that was half a teenage lifetime ago.

    19) Least Favorite: Type/cut of meat

    Uber uber uber rare.

    20) Least Favorite: Type (nationality) of Cuisine


    21) Memorable: What is your most memorable dining experience? (this doesn't have to be due to the food, could be due to the circumstances surrounding it, for example a date, or end of a fast, etc...)

    Italian w/ Grandparents, but there are a lot of others!

  2. Alright, this may sound fake DrEvil but it's true. There was a huge wind/rain storm and I lost internet access for one and a half-days, and I came on as soon as I could!

    As for the mini..

    Looking like a winner! The yellow goggles, the rusted/oxidized/nmm all look simply amazing; you have really improved, even since your cave troll!

    My only suggestion would be to give the skin more definition.



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