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Posts posted by AoM

  1. Brawl-oween: 55 SS Brawl Tournament + Painting Contest, Frederick, MD, October 20th

    55ss Brawl tournament

    November 17th

    Sign-up @ 11:00, the first round starts at 12:00.

    The Historic Haven - it's a private club (but the even is open to everyone), PM me for info

    How many players:
    up to 12

    Entry Fee:
    $10 for the tournament, $0 for the painting contest. There will be prizes for the winners, and goodies for everyone.

    Gaining Ground

    Painting Requirement:
    None for the tournament, and the painting contest is a no-brainer here.

    You do not have to participate in both events if you don't want to.


    It's time to step up your game. Show off your dual faction skills, team up your masters for the ultimate combinations, or just bring a huge mess of Gremlins and piggies.
    (You could bring 27 Bayou Gremlins if you are crazy enough).

    There will be prizes for first place, our traditional Handworker Award, and an award for Best Looking Crew (decided by player voting). I'll have something special for you if you come in costume as your favorite Malifaux character, too.

    Painting Contest

    This is a single figure painting contest. This is for Wyrd models only (Malifaux, Puppet Wars, and Twisted). The models will be judged using the same standards as the Gen Con painting competition (specifics when I get to the files on my other computer; highlights and shading, smooth blending, basing, etc.). There will be a prize for First Place, and Second place if there are more than 6 entries. You are allowed to enter one model per person, and they must be painted by the person entering them.

  2. The summer means House Hedgehogs goes to war. That meant that the Dead Heat campaign fell by the wayside in Frederick. It's time to change that.

    What: The Fall Harvest Campaign (Dead Heat Redux)

    When: October 4th - November 1st

    Where: The Historic Haven, Frederick, MD (for more information on location PM me or visit www.historichaven.com)

    This is going to be the same map-based goodness that everyone enjoyed in the worldwide campaign; we're just going to add an autumn twist. The Harvest is also a great opportunity to get in some training for the Fall Brawl tournament in the middle of November. There may even be some Halloween candy, too. (Sweets, not sours. *candy*)

    Come on down and join us. Even if you can't make it this week, we'll be happy to have new players join in the fun. You might even be the difference between your faction winning or losing.

  3. What: 50ss Brawl tournament

    When: October 20th

    Time: Sign-up @ 11:00, the first round starts at 12:00.

    Where: The Historic Haven - it's a private club (but the even is open to everyone), PM me for info

    How many players: up to 12

    Entry Fee: $10 for the tournament, $0 for the painting contest. There will be prizes for the winners, and goodies for everyone.

    Rules: Gaining Ground

    Painting Requirement: None for the tournament, and the painting contest is a no-brainer here.

    You do not have to participate in both events if you don't want to.


    It's time to step up your game. Show off your dual faction skills, team up your masters for the ultimate combinations, or just bring a huge mess of Gremlins and piggies. (You could bring 30 Bayou Gremlins if you are crazy enough).

    There will be prizes for first place, second place, and the traditional Handworker Award. I'll have something special for you if you come in costume as your favorite Malifaux character, too.

    Painting Contest

    This is a single figure painting contest. This is for Wyrd models only (Malifaux, Puppet Wars, and Twisted). The models will be judged using the same standards as the Gen Con painting competition (specifics when I get to the files on my other computer). There will be a prize for First Place, and Second place if there are more than 6 entries. You are allowed to enter one model per person, and they must be painted by the person entering them.

    If you're planning to enter a Wyrd model for the Rotten Harvest, you might as well enter it here. If you're entering it here, We'll get you pictures so you can enter the Rotten Harvest online contest if you need them.

  4. What: Malifaux Tournament

    Where: Frederick, MD (PM me for specifics. The event is public, but the location/address is not.)

    When: Saturday, 9/8; games start at 12:00

    Cost: FREE

    This is a standard 25ss tournament using all of the normal Gaining Ground rules, but there is going to be one change that will really shake things up. You will be able to get creative when you hire your crew because you'll be able to pick from 2 factions instead of 1.

    I'm sure this will lead to some unexpected - and possibly over the top - combinations, but this is where the free-for-all comes from. This is dual faction without needing to be a dual faction master.

    Have you wished you could see some Guild Guards fighting side by side with some Guild Autopsies? Go ahead and try it out.

    Want to see what it's like when the Avatar of Conflagration teams up with Kaeris for the ultimate BBQ? Sounds tasty to me.

    This is obviously going to be a pretty lighthearted event, but it should be a fun way twist on an old favorite.

  5. After getting the regulars addicted to Malifaux a year and a half ago, it's time to start bringing in fresh meat. (You mean new players, right? Yeah, new players. Isn't that what I said?)

    The fun happens every Thursday night, starting @ 7:00 pm. We've got at least one of every crew available for you to try out, and I love getting new people into the game.

    Out of respect for the private nature of the club I will not post an address here (sorry), but if you can get to Brainstorm Comics in the historic part of downtown, you can get there without any trouble. PM me for more information.

    Come on out, have a beer, and play some Malifaux! You'll be glad you did, but your wallet/spouse might not be. *wink*

  6. Lots of House Hedgehog will be heading off to war at the end of July, but their models won't be joining them. I'm going to have a Malifaux tournament to entertain the rest of us. If you're not at Pennsic, come on down and play some games.

    What: 30ss tournament

    When: August 4th, starting @ noon

    Where: The Historic Haven

    How many players: 10 max.

    Pick a faction and throw down. We'll use the same rules we've used for all of the Haven tournaments. 2 crew lists, random pairings, total overall VPs wins. We'll also have something special for the lowest amount of VPs, too.

    We had a huge success with the last tournament that saw 5 new tables built just for the event (3 were given as prizes). If everything works out, we'll have all 5 of them making an appearance again. These tables came out looking really cool, and everyone loved having to rethink how to move during the battles.

    The Haven is a private club, and I am not posting their address and phone number out of respect for their rules. If you want more information, PM me. (If you haven't been to the Haven before, it's an amazing little club hidden away in a secret location downtown.)

    Spots filled up really quickly last time, so sign up ASAP if you want in. With a few of the boys off at Pennsic, there will be a couple more spaces. Don't let that fool you into waiting to sign up, though.

  7. I know I'm late getting this posted here, but better late than never, right?

    The league is going to be hosted by the Frederick All-Inclusive League of Gamers. Final registration for the league will be at 12:30, this Sunday at the Hobbytown in Frederick (http://www.htufrederickmd.com). As this will be in Frederick, games may be played at Hobbytown. If I am not present when the games are being played, please email me your results.

    1. Players will have to choose a faction to play at the start of the league. Crews will be built after the game size and Strategies have been determined, as per the book. Some of you might only have a single Master and a limited selection of models so the crew might already be picked out, but the only thing that has to be declared at the start of the league is which faction you will be playing.
    2. The league will be a Scraps league. Brawls may be played if both players would like, but I am encouraging games be about 25-35 stones. Smaller games may be played if both players agree on the size, as well.
    3. We will be using a mix of the Organized Play rules and the Strategies and Schemes from Rising Powers, and I will make the relevant information available to the people in the league who may not have a copy of the book. I am planning to include a few unique Strategies and/or Schemes for the league, too.
    4. There will be assigned pairing each week that will be announced on Saturday. (Sunday for the first week's match-ups.) These games will be geared towards a story I'll be telling through the league, but players are encouraged to play as many games as they would like. The assigned games will have pre-determined Strategies. Other games will flip for locations and Strategies as usual.
    5. Victory points need to be recorded after each game. I will be putting up a way for players to record their points and see who is ranked where. This will probably score sheets and a folder to place them in after games, and I will print out weekly standings.

    There will be prizes for the top scoring player, the lowest scoring player (who actively plays; can't just sit on the sidelines to win this one), and a prize for the best fully painted crew.

    For more information, please PM or email me.

  8. despite the different pose and all its still the same pandora in the avatar form
    "Original recipe" Malifaux Pandora came after the Avatar model, so the similarity was bound to happen. That whole "being the exact same character" thing probably factored in somewhere, too. ;)

    I like the model you picked out on its own, but I personally wouldn't use it for Pandora, or anyone in Colette's circle of associates. That model just doesn't feel Malifaux to me.

  9. I cannot believe how hard you guys heckled me! :) It was a great time - I can hardly wait to do it again next year!

    I'm just waiting for those new avatars to show up for you and Tom.

    This year was a blast. We were making tournament tables out of the bad batch of terra-clips about an hour before the Last Scrap tournament on Saturday evening, and one of the clips did try to kill me on Wednesday evening, but it really was awesome. I heard crazy stories from the booth, but WS and I barely got to escape the miniatures hall.

    Eric wasn't joking about the booth coming down so fast. I was around for the first hour of that tear down, and the stock was off the racks, minis in the cases, and the racks were starting to get dissembled. I have never seen a larger group of sleep deprived people work so quickly with that level of efficiency.

    Battlefoam was there with the new Malifaux bags, and they sold around half of the Malifaux bags they brought just on Thursday. I snagged mine Friday morning, and it is worth every penny. I'm sure that a bunch of new crews went home in new cases.

    I thought earning last year's shirt was a bunch of work and a bunch of fun. This year certainly added hours and work, but it more than made up for it with the increased fun.

    Fool and TBK aren't allowed to go drinking anymore. That painting discussion was getting serious for a while. :D

  10. That they do. We gave a few sets away at Gen Con from the big piles of them we had after going through so much of that terrain. They fit in the top of a 30, and they're just a little thicker that the depth of the recess, iirc. They're not 3-D, but they are easy to recognize what you're looking at.

  11. Against Perdita and her family, you're going to need to control what they can see, and how far away they are when they do get to see stuff. If you can close the gap between you without exposing yourself to too many shots, you'll find that the Ortegas are a bit weaker in melee than some fo the other Guild options.

    Also, any way you can make Perdita take a Wd or two without having to duel against her Df will be vital to your success. She's got a Df of 8. That's a huge advantage to have, especially with access to soulstones to back her up. Any way you can get around that will make your job easier.

    Also, Perdita may be awesome, but she can't be everywhere at once. Take out Nino as quickly as you can. With his range and his Repeating Rifle, he's a serious threat. Also, do not let Papa Loco engage you. Kill him early, preferably near another family member.

    Santiago isn't as dangerous in melee, especially if you don't reduce him to 4 Wd or less until you've already got him engaged. His power comes from taking bullets and continuing to come towards you more pissed off than he was before. He gets the Cb boost on the Paired Peacbringers, not the Blades, and the (+1) Walk action isn't going to help him very much in melee if you can win the duel to keep him from disengaging.

    Be prepared for the Ortegas' "alpha strike" companion activation. If you're not presenting very many targets when it happens, you will essentially get to do the same thing yourself afterward (this is assuming pure Familia Ortega). If it happens, capitalize on it.

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