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Posts posted by JonasD

  1. 1) Favorite: Color of paint (the specific paint color listed on the lable)

    I tend to use Bleached Bone from Citadel on everything.

    2) Favorite: Brand of paint

    Vallejo Game Color. Just great variety!

    3) Favorite: Sculptor

    Tom Meier! He's just the man and painting his minis is just fun.

    4) Favorite: Painter

    Hmmm, Matt Verzani?

    5) Favorite: Mini Company (other than Wyrd, we all know it's everyones #1)

    My own ;) Nah, I think Pegaso it is.

    6) Painting Preference: Metalics vs. NMM


    7) Mini Preference: Fantasy vs. Sci Fi


    8) Mini Preference: Male vs. Female

    Male, allows you more mistakes

    9) Mini Preference: Human vs. Monstrous

    Human, clearly.

    10) Favorite: Paint Brush you use the most

    hehe, better ask me bout Sculpting tools :)

    11) Favorite: Paint Job You've Done (provide link if possible)

    My Squirrel

    12) Favorite: Paint Job Ever (provide link if possible)

    Florian Kniep's Nagash he won the 2003 Slayer Sword with.

    13) Desire: A mini company from which you've never painted a mini, but want to

    Hmmm.. Hasslefree I guess (I am very reluctant on buying minis)

    14) Desire: A mini you most want to paint, but haven't

    Some mini from the Parkinson Boxes

    15) Favorite: Mini related forum (again, other than your obvious favorite; Wyrd)


    16) Favorite: Site you find most useful in terms of helping learn mini painting/Sculpting

    I do not like Cmon, so I'd say Frothers.

    17) Desire: A sculpt you would love to see, but doesn't yet exist

    If there is one, I do it.

    18) Ambition: What would you most like to achieve in the painting hobby

    in Painting? Hitting the mini with a brush. In Sculpting? I'd love to sculpt concept models for films.

    19) Least Favorite: Thing you most dislike about mini painting (think eyestrain, back ache, being socially outcast, lost time, costs, etc...)

    Dizziness after working for several hours with forgetting to drink or eat or...

    20) Least Favorite: Paint Brand you've tried

    Revell. Just bah.

    21) Least Favorite: Mini Company who's sculpts/style just don't make you want to paint them.

    Infinity. Just awful.

    Here's my answers:) Fun!

  2. The main problem about the legs is that they are right in length, but because of the shortening when takiing pics and the bent down position they do look short.

    The arms look longer, as they are enlengthened by the guns (optically).

    I can imagne this will be better visibvle when painted, as its's all Green in Green now.

  3. I just love those 1:1 assembly kits.

    Got myself the set "Living Room 1:1" the other day.

    Still thinking about the color scheme, but I'll probably do the traditional "white drops on floor" one that seems to go through my whole collection.

    Great work!

  4. As long as everything else is in place and the dog is fine (family, also, but you were out, so I figure...)...

    Bad thing about that door, though.

    Couldn't happen with my door, as it cannotz be cosed properly unless using a key. Then though it's hermetically closed as it's an old fire-door made of bare metal.

    Funny thing is really that someone did that in bright daylight... crackhead?

  5. I do use a colorshaper msot of the time, as I can vary the pressure better then. The shape I like most right now is the flat one, in combination with the tapper point.

    I'm not too keen on ProCreate, but I also experienced that too much lube will make it flakey.

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