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Posts posted by Greydeath

  1. I have had that happen too but mine also bubbled?

    It wrecked only a 10 man squad.

    But was for a contest in the morning so I went out late at night into my garage where my spray booth is set up.

    And covered them in GW Dull Cote

    It wrecked them all the hole squad.

    Mine was the cold or chill during the night I left them out and went to catch a few Zees before the morning....

    Sucked so I feel for you.

    Sorry to see and hear another person having that happen too.

    (oh on a side note I set up a small electic heating fan in my booth now...

    Duh should have done it before that happend...)

  2. Very well done I like them all in each of there own unique way and painting differences.

    Well done and nicely chosen bases and painting etc on those as well.

    I like the stripes and yes would also go mad trying to do them also.

    Very cool.

    Wow alot to see and so nicely done.

    Keep up the great work and Oh ya loved the red highlights also on the first one.

    Nice touch and very cool.

    Post more as you get them done love to see them... :thumb:

  3. Nicely done.

    Very well painted and liking the bits made base.


    I like the red and the gold armor shoulder pads with her blonde hair.

    I think she is well painted and good color choices and she seems to blend well and looks great.

    Nicely done.

  4. Wow thanks alot for all the feedback already and the welcomes, Thank you.


    thank you for the comments and ya kinda little arachnids almost..

    And thanks.


    Really you like the painting? Cool I usually dont get much input on my painting.

    As I only paint my figures as a way of calling them done after I build them.

    And who makes them? I do. The Little Walkers are made from a round shield. A square lens some bent wire for legs. Some plasticard for armor. And a pulse rifle from a tau.

    So I drill and mount and cut and build them. All me.

    And the large Guys are Tau drones. with tomb spider legs and rail guns.

    Again conversion by me... Thank you very much for the input.


    exactly just really nothing more than some bits and pieces moved here and there and a new little walker drone conversion... Thanks.

    Frustrated Father,

    Thank you and I do appreciate the welcome and have to say I really like the Wyrd. Nice figs and the forum is great.

    Especially the painting Contests.. Nice job your doing with them and the sponsors.

    Thank You for your hard work.


    Have to say your name is the greatest... awesome.. I do construction and so maybe your names just more funny to me but I love it.....

    Well as for the clutter no worries I have 20 to do and I was matching the rest of my armies bases but as these guys are kinda smaller your totally right I need to do a little less on there bases.

    Thank you for the input and help..

    Thanks alot everyone for the input and kind words.

    I appreciated it.

  5. Just converted these up and made them.. well made twenty of them.

    And have a couple painted up and ready to show.

    Let me know what you think?

    Of the conversion, the idea and painting?


    Here you go




    and other side


    Heres a shot of the Smaller I call them "Scampi" Drone next to the Larger Walkers I make Called "Crayfish" so you can get a feel for there size.


    Thanks for looking.

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