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Posts posted by Steph-E

  1. Illustrange>> well, I'll tell you what it is about.

    I'm the french guy who made the site and the greens you've found. I thank you very mutch for the compliments on my work.

    Now, I'm working for Wyrd, so you probably'll never heard about CARAPACE any more as it is now a part of Wyrd.

    The web site ( www.deepinmadness.com) was made before I know Nathan, so that's why nothing is said about WYRD.

    The zombies are on casting ( remixed from the pics you've got), the ghosts too and a special surprise too.

    The goblin... well, i must finish him because everybody seems to love him...

    But you should send me some Downy before ;)

  2. well, first of all, ass kicking minis. Minis that are better than what it's on the market. when I start playing 40K, Citadel was really outstanding. not perfectly sculpt but with something that I call "soul". It was the same with BB and S hulk.

    now GW minis are soulless. Except Bryan Nelson's green skins.

    So,If the minis are not "sexy", I dont try the game.

    Now, you'll tell me :" do you think the "ZOMBIE!!!" minis are sexy???

    no, of course not. But the game is Dark Fonk powered. Something absolutly mad, bad tasted, insane and lot of humor. Just What I like.

  3. Well, I dont have any more time to play seriously to a mini game, due to kids, job and all the stuff here at Wyrd, and no more friends at a resonable distance from me to try to play something.

    So, I was playing a lot of 40K in its first edition (rogue tradder) because it was very british, a little like Judge Dredd that I'm keen of. The next "more pro" 40k editions lost the original soul.

    So I was playing lot ok GW games, because I was very liking that, until I work for them in the late 90's. after being fired 2 years of incapacity for me to see a mini...

    so, I dont play any GW except BB and S Hulk, the 2 best games that I ever play. Fast playing, simple rules, lot of suspence and fun, lot of blood! Yeah!! That's what I like in a game: action and suspence, like in a movie.

    I'm playing now to" Zombie!!!" because it's as crazy as the good old GW games, and, of course, the pabletop game that I'm the humble creator, "Crushing!".

    It takes place in the deep 70's, in america, in a tipical blacksploitation style.

    If you dont know the game, well, fell free to download it for free here

  4. size is not the matter. knowledge and feeling are playing the game!

    Seriously, this is the egg/chiken problem. Why all company should have the same scale? Trying to invade the tabletop game of other company? noooo! If it's the reason, please read next.

    I've working for 3 years for GW, in a mani stores in France. All customers wants some Citadel Minis to play, nothing ells. Confrontation players wants Rackham minis and nothing ells.

    The most important is that in a same collection, all minis looks same scaled. Not the same size, but same scale. dont forget that the legs position can change the size on a mini is you're mesuring from bottom feet to shoulder/eyes/ top of head/ top of hat.

    dont forget that a "little fat ass" can be the same scale as sexy "mister Univers", but not the same size. The size of the head, according to me is a good locate.

  5. Hi,

    I'm taking a litle time for painting some of my superb Wyrd minis.

    So the first is the Beshop:


    And the second is Killjoy in a "frozzen meat" way:


    I'm not a painter, just doing this for fun and gaming. And of course, they are only WIP.

    But I'll be more than pleased to get some "real painter" advise and help for the next steps.

  6. Yes was called "Goblin masters" at GW when he was mister greenskins. He's now out of the GW dictat since more than 15 years. Kev is the guy who give me the miniature virus with all that so Fonky gobboz. This is not the GW style, this is Kev style. as long as now it's the job of the tallent full Brian Answell (if I remember the exact name) to be Mr greenskins at GW. Different style.

    But Kev should be relax with any law fight, because GW dont produce any of his work since many years. More: Kev does a lot of similar gobs and the GW inqusition does nothing.

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