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Celtic Lilly

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Posts posted by Celtic Lilly

  1. They are very interesting, but I think it would almost be cheaper just to buy the molds and do the resin work yourself. Still, nice to see some options like this - they would have been something to kill for ten to fifteen years back.

  2. HeLLooooo everyone!

    Just an update. I was out clubbing last week when the EX showed up. He thought he could talk to me but I just went out on the floor and danced with all the guys and ended up making him pretty mad.


    He tried to boss me around on the floor about ten minutes later and last I saw him he was gut punched by a bouncer and frog marched out of the club when one of my friends who knew what was going on told her friend, who was the bouncer. I think she slept with him that night too. Score for me!

    I'm so happy! The jerk.


  3. Welcome Mr. Buddle! Very nice Ogre there, it is the first time I have seen it and I spent the last ten minutes just staring at it! Someone said you had an Eldar as well? Can we see it?

    I think I'll go check out your miniatures now. I think the link is on the front page if I remember right. Thank you for sharing!

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