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Celtic Lilly

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Posts posted by Celtic Lilly

  1. I rarely go into stores anymore for gaming material and get it all online these days. The last time I was in a store I was swamped with these geeks that hadn't bathed, much less seen a woman, in forever and they were trying to help me out, or looking at me sideways and blushing bright red when I caught them looking at my legs.

    Bleaaachk! No thank you.

  2. OoooooOooOoOOOooOOooooOOOooh! I have a new picture to print out now. Never you mind what I do with them.

    I really like the comic look and could easily see this miniature and the Killjoy Mr. Munkie did on a diorama, getting ready to fight it out!

    Groovy work!

  3. Nudity, in any form, doesn't bother me. Obviously I would rather look at some types of nudity than others, but the human body is to be enjoyed, not hidden away.

    With miniatures, as long as its not tasteless, I don't see a problem with it. For instance, one company has a woman laying on a bed bringing herself on, called Before Battle or something like that. That is just tackey.

    Everyone has become politically correct stupid I think.

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