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Posts posted by lauth81

  1. Several of my favourites

    X-Wing, Tie (Fighter and Interceptor), Star Destroyers. Even if the movies are essentially crap, they had very nice spaceships in star wars

    USS Enterprise-D (sleek design) and Borg cubes (anti-sleek design) from Star Trek TNG. The D'deridex class romulan warbirds and the Ferengi marauders are pretty awesome as well.

    those pyramid ships from Stargate are a pretty nice concept.

    My all-time favourites though, are the HUGE, witty, selfconscious spacecraft from Iain M. Banks' culture novels.

  2. I'm currently working on two projects:

    1) my new Blood Bowl team - Chaos Dwarves made out of Confrontation minis. Mid Nor Incubi for the Dwarves, Abyssal Prowlers as Bull Centaurs and Goblin Spearmen for Hobgoblins. Various other minis from those ranges as countes, markers and staff minis.

    Hopefully finished by the end of the year. I want to go on the europena tournament circuit with those (and win as many best painted prizes as possible :D )

    2) Another BB mini. this one is for the annual legacy team from talkbloodbowl.com. Each year the forum members decide on a race and a coluorscheme, everyone who wants submits one painted mini and one lucky bastard wins the entire team at the end of the year. This year we're doing the new semi-official chaos pact team and I'm submitting a Chaos Marauder with an extra arms mutation.

  3. "Lya Vogdu - the banished Hexenmeisterin appears presumably at the end of of August. These mini talks Devil Contest 2008/Modellierkategorie won and was since then still extended!"


    corrected translation:

    "Lya Vogdu - the banned sorceress will be available at the end of august. The sculpt won the Red Devil Contest - Sculpting category in 2008 and has been slightly modified since then."

    If any of the newsmonkeys need a translation from German into English, just drop me a PM.

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