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Posts posted by Pr0fane

  1. Hmm...some pretty harsh observations there, and I guess if you take the miniatures out of context, fair enough.

    Yes, there are actually 3 poses there, two of each. James painted these for an upcoming box release, which will contain 5 miniatures. The female will be Special Edition and only one per box but we didn't decide that until after we saw them painted.

    The extravagant bases are because these are the studio paintjob. I'm not sure many people could afford to pay James to paint their meant-for-play armies. So, the display bases make sense since these are display minis.

    The chains are symbolic. These are elite troops that have undergone highly specialized training with these weapons. I agree that if your rank and file troops were running around with these weapons, they'd be as much a danger to themselves and friendlies as the enemy. But these are not goblin fanatics, they are elites.

    But as I always say, everybody has the right to their opinion and I thank you for sharing.

    I was actually quite impressed with how close to the concept art Werner stayed. Originally there was some deviation in the poses, but we asked him to fix them up and he did.

    Supervike, thanks for posting these, it's been a long time since I dropped by. Good to see that the word is being spread without me. ;)

  2. Hey gang. Been a long time since I visited so it's quite interesting to see a thread about Dark Age.

    Cindy is correct, Reaver 2 is not a conversion. We commissioned Kev White to sculpt our new Reaver with a free reign on pose. He did an amazing job. So amazing that he decided to do a version for his own line. He actually did our Reaver months before doing Shimmer 2, but our releases are tied to development and we therefore, we can't just show them off when we get them like Kev can.

    I'm glad you guys like her, she has my vote as the sexiest mini currently in circulation, that's for sure. Kev does know how to sculpt sexy women. :D

    And Duende is also correct; Shimmer is slightly smaller in keeping with the different scales between HF and Dark Age.

  3. Hello all. It's been quite a while since I've paid a visit, but here are a few recent bits of news for you.

    July 11th

    The Dark Age online store has been updated. You can now use PayPal to pay for your Dark Age purchase when ordering from Dark Age directly.


    We at Dark Age are happy to announce a new distributor in the US. You now have the option of ordering through Premier Hobby Distribution or from Dark Age directly.


    July 4th

    For those of you waiting to field your Saint Mary force. Or for those who have been waiting to unleash the madness of the Toxic Cult, now is your time.

    Now is the time for Exodus!!


    Exodus brings you 118 pages of intense background material, beautiful yet macabre artwork and all the rules you need to field Saint Mary's forces or the Skarrd Cult of Toxin. Genesis is required for the core rules.

    To herald the release of Exodus, we are also introducing two new miniatures; one each for the forces of Exodus.

    DAG3019 Skarrd Saber


    Saber has only recently returned to the fold of the Skarrd, having spent many years wandering Samaria in solitude. She is one of a rare breed, and it is unsurprising that she grew to live beyond the status quo. Saber is the rare child of a Skarrd Father, an almost unheard-of phenomenon. Blessed with exceptional dexterity and possessing articulated and clawed toes, she uses an unnatural climbing ability. Wielding twin sabers, she is leading her tribe down the path illuminated by her visions.

    DAG1029 Forsaken X'Cess


    X'Cess is an ex-Reaver turned mercenary. Trained under Saint Mark as a Reaver, she left that Saint's employ under curious conditions, but refuses to acknowledge any form of authority. Her skills make her a valuable asset to any Forsaken force she will work for, but her attitude...that's another story.

    Next...Saint John and The Brood!


  4. Sorry, I haven't been around much, missed this post.

    I think it odd that your order fell through the cracks, Patrick. If it had been one of the boxsets I could understand. I can only guess-trapolate that the trained monkeys at HQ got distracted by the shiny new minis. Anyway, I did throw a brick at them with an admonition to smarten up or no bananas next month.

    FF; thanks for tipping Patrick off on contacting me.

  5. LOL. LeadAsbestos, as much as I like your answer, I think they are just decoration. Or perhaps small armor plates. We'll leave that up to your imagination for now.

    I'm going to agree with Eric's comment re the nose. The women that enter the Junkers squads have typically reached the end of their usefulness in the militia. They are very nearly physically washed out, but still have the passion to support their Crusade so they resort to chemicals to 'junk' themselves up. They are walking pharmaceuticals that keep them going. So it's no surprise that the occasional flat nose or other blemish will still exist.

    The Dark Age Junkers squad have nothing in common with the VOID Junkers. We probably have called them "juicers" or somesuch, but -hey- that's where we are now. They're Junkers because they pump themselves ful of "junk" not because they salvage scrap. ;)

    If you guys like this one, you'll love the other two sculpts...which I can't show yet. ;)

  6. Hmm...those girls - with some minor conversion that'd make sweet Necromunda Escher extras. Prolly too big for Juves though. I love 'em because they look the role of Berserkers.

    That minotaur - just awesome. Had the same effect on me as the first time I saw Rackham's amazing dual-sworded Minotaur. Only better. As for the filigree'd gauntlet...my first thought was that it was the breastplate of a slain foe that he just twisted round his wrist...pretty pretty. ;)

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