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Posts posted by Pr0fane

  1. Coil Leader


    The Coil are the most commonly appearing ranged weaponry troop in the Forsaken Armies. Although their primary strategic purpose is to attack from a distance, the Coil are far from helpless if mired in melee combat. They each bear a vicious maces called Morning Sticks for occasions in which their Coil Launchers are no longer practical. Coil Leaders are chosen for their enhanced skills with both weapons as well as bravery & willpower above the norm.

    Strike Leader


    The most skilled of the Forsaken Troops may find themselves promoted to the Strike corps. Strike are without a doubt the most fearsome of all the squad-based corps in the Forsaken Armies, and for good reason. Each Strike wields a massive two-handed broadsword, a beautifully crafted weapon forged to the highest standards. For those enemies that manage to move in close enough to a Strike to be safe from the broad strokes of his sword, they are also armed with viciously spiked gauntlets on each hand. Only by mastering this combination of difficult weapons and displaying exemplary bravery & willpower can an exceptional individual become a Strike Leader.

  2. @LeadAsbestos; sorry but the next book in the queue is St Mary vs Skarrd. Then it'll be St John vs Brood. Our plan right now is roughly 3 months between each book. We're already working on the next 3 though. ;-)

    So you know, we will have quickstart rules for the existing forces available for download very shortly.

    @Duende; the minis are available now through the Dark Age online store. The book by Mon/Tues of next week. Barring unforeseen circumstances, of course.

  3. It is finally here! After years of planning and comprehensive playtesting, we are proud to present to you one of the most anticipated wargaming rulebooks of recent times:


    Genesis welcomes you to the world of Dark Age, where different armies and factions battle for survival against each other and the planet itself. Dark Age: Genesis is a scaleable skirmish level game based on the dark images of BROM; designed for 2 or more players with approximately 10-20 models a side.

    The rulebook contains 150 pages of pure excitement! Imagine the harsh environments of Samaria, learn about the rise of the Forsaken and read about the rich history of the Dragyri. You will get the core rules, two comprehensive Forcelists, unit cards, templates and extensive background information... Everything you need to start playing Dark Age.

    Are you ready for something dangerous?


    Other October releases include:

    DAG2022 Dragyri Frostbite #1


    DAG2023 Dragyri Blizzard #1


    DAG1035 Forsaken Coil Leader


    DAG1036 Forsaken Strike Leader


    Available now at your local stockists or from our on-line shop.

  4. @ Pr0fane - Hey, when is the CMON DA Gallery at the DA site gonna be updated? It only goes up to May and I've put some Dragyri in my gallery since then. Can you do anything about that?


    Doh! Thanks for the reminder, Duende. Grafter broke the link awhile back and I keep meaning to fix it...but then my PHP Editor expired! <sigh>

    ...but now I'll definitely go look at CMON for your updates. :congrats:

  5. Hmm...like you I am a voracious reader. Also several books a week. I'm on a learning kick right now so I'm reading stuff like "Blink" and "Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell and various works by Leo Buscaglia, but my mainstay has always been Sci-Fi and Fantasy, in that order. I won't go into the whole pantheon of authors, but some of my favorites are;

    • David Gemmell
    • Orscon Scott Card
    • Terry Pratchett
    • Terry Goodkind
    • William Gibson
    • Robert A. Heinlein
    • James Alan Gardner
    • Greg Bear
    • Anne McCaffrey
    • Larry Niven
    • Melanie Rawn

    ...I could go on and on, but I won't. ;)

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