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Posts posted by Jubilee

  1. I'm using some balsa wood that's textured like wood flooring for mine. I'm breaking it to give it a jagged look and it overhangs the base a bit. Eventually I'd like to add fallen buttons, loose string, stuffing, and sewing needle weapons...


  2. This little guy is toooo cute! I was really surprised to find him in one of my expansion boxes at GenCon and it was a great break mini after a few frustrating commission projects.

    It didn't occur to me until after I'd finished that I should have checked the heart on his card - it's blue - so I guess if I ever get a second teddy (seems unlikely), I should repaint the heart to differentiate them..

    Pictures, as usual, defeat me, but this is the best I can do. His belly should be lighter..


    See the rest of the angles at CMON:


  3. I agree, the diving charge adds LoS to the other benefits of flying & charging. My opponent was of the opinion that the Diving Charge wouldn't have included the notes about models & terrain unless the Nephilim wouldn't normally get it. I think the description is just being thorough, in case a non-flying model might be given the same ability at some point.

    My question is: Does fly apply to a charge (my reading), or does the game assume everyone is walking for a charge (my opponent's reading).

    Sorry to confuse my question with so much background babble.

  4. Hello!

    I am learning to play a nephilim crew and in the game I played last Tuesday, my opponent contended that the benefits of flight (ignoring terrain & being able to move over intervening models) did not benefit a charge because of the Mature Nephilim's "Diving Attack" which states: This model Charges an enemy model ignoring LoS, terrain and intervening models. If the Charge fails end this model's activation.

    The rules for charge on page 36 of the rules manual says "The model must obey the normal rules for movement including movement penalties and disengaging Strikes." My opponent took "normal rules for movement" to mean "you can't move through other models and take movement penalties for terrain." But I would think "normal rules for movement" would include that model's type of movement - in this case, flight.

    I couldn't find anything with a search, and the FAQ seems to be missing in the Games section, so I apologize in advance if this has already been resolved on the forums.



  5. Well, after I can't even remember how many years of lurking around here, I finally played my first game of Malifaux and had alot of fun. I was going to purchase a bunch of cards to experiment with forces using proxies until I decide what I want, but I can't find a card for Nekima and the Black Blood Shaman in the online store. Am I missing something? Is there a lag between release and the cards becoming available separately?

    Also, are the cards likely to be available for purchase at GenCon?


  6. I've never had trouble primering in the garage when it was raining outside. When it gets cold, I do bring the minis inside to dry instead of leaving them out there. Also, I always keep the spray cans indoors. I'm in Portland, OR, btw. ;)

    We actually always primer in our garage.. We've been talking about building some kind of booth for .. well, years, since we moved in really, but have never gotten around to it. 6 years so far and it hasn't killed me.. ;)

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