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Cave of Ill Omen


I let the theme sit for a day or two before starting anything and TBH my best bet is probably going to be in acing the theme, so heres the start to an abandoned mine shaft

*Update 2*

I managed to find bitz to assemble a simple winch of sorts, and added a few light sources, glam'd it up with some gravel, now just waiting for the wind to die down so I can get to priming and start the tedious task of painting it! I have a few days likely until the model im using comes in from wyrds easter sale, anyways :D

*Update 3*

Still haven't recieved model from easter sale, beginning to worry, rofl. Probably another 2 hours or so to go on this piece before im finished with it! Coming along better than I had hoped to be certain, but if I don't have a model to showcase it was all for naught! :(

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