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Skulls:Malifaux - Tournament in Perth October 1st 2011


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The Outpost 6030 SKULLS: Malifaux Tournament 2011

- To be held on Saturday the 1st of October, 2011.

- To be held at the Moresby St Hall, Moresby St, South Perth.

- 4 games on 1 day.

- 35 soulstone, fixed lists.

- Prizes for Overall, Generalship, Sportsmanship and Painting.

- Skulls Tokens!

- Entry is $15 for Outpost 6030 and Club Westgamer Members, $20 for everyone else.

- Tickets will be available from September at both Outpost Chapters and from me 'osoi'.

The Players pack is now available here:


As always, if you have any questions then feel free to post them here, or contact myself.

See you the other side of the breach!

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I'll be there... the biggest question I have is should I stick with Rasputina, or should I try for an Outcast crew? The only thing I'll have to do by the end of next week is buy and paint the two Viktorias. I'll have about 50 SS of Outcasts (assuming that my stuff arrives today)

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As they are all shared strats I personally think the Vikkys would be a little more flexible than Raspy but familiarity with any given master will be a benefit too. You really need to look at what are the strats that are going to be played and think do you have the models available to help you achieve them.

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Both issues are good points. I have found a little something lacking at the moment - most likely my experience. Having said that, the list I could take to this with Outcasts is a lot more limited. Today I had arrive Bishop, Misaki, Convict Gunslinger and some Ronin. Add in the Desperate Merc and Taelor I already have painted, it's easy to spend the 35 SS with nothing to spare... I think that Taelor and Bishops are must haves from that list, as well as the Gunslinger, which leaves me with only 10 SS to play with. Do I go for Misaki, Ronin or Desperate Mercs? Choices... What I need to do is get me some Vikkis...

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  • 2 months later...

Well this event was held on the Saturday that has just been and while I would have liked a bigger turnout we all had some great games and tried out a few new things (namely the use of special events)

Final Standings:

1. Dreamer

2. Lilith

3. Seamus

4. Zoraida

5. Kirai

6. Kirai

To those who came along, thank you very much, I hope you all all enjoyed yourselves and next year it will be bigger and better (and have less other timetable clashes with other local events).

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