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Brewmaster and a newbie


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Another thing to consider in various comparison of combat ability, that the Moon Shinobi's ability to use Rst: Wp with their Fist attacks can HUGELY exploit Intoxication/Tipsy debuffs to Wp coming from Brewmaster and Wesley.  If they're at -3 or -4 Wp you can probably use trash cards to hit exactly with 0 to get [+][+] on your damage flip using lowball cards (or just hit normally in the 1-5 bracket with basic flips and get [+] to damage for basically no cost).  A pretty reliable 3-4 damage per attack out of a 6ss Gremlin minion is pretty solid, especially considering you're not risking things like Dumb Luck/Ricochet/Stampede damage to your own models.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent write up Darguth, I'll give 'em another go (like I said, I WANT to love them!), I'm still not entirely convinced but table time is fairer than just slagging them off here


They are also great against ressers, as generally you have to deal with hard to wound across the board. So just a faction of :+fate for you to play with. Yes they have a lot of competition from the Monks but I like both

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They are also great against ressers, as generally you have to deal with hard to wound across the board. So just a faction of :+fate for you to play with. Yes they have a lot of competition from the Monks but I like both

I play against Ressers all the time in my local meta and nothing is more satisfying than turning Hard to Wound into an advantage.

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Well, I've played with brewmaster as a ten thunder again and I¡m pretty convinced outside his themed crew, he should be more about hangover and chose your poison than poison and blaaargh. What I do want is to start experimenting with the rest of the trichi toys and go for something like 2 moon shinobi, 2 fermented monks, 2 tengu, the wesley and either Fingers or the whisky golem. This last part is where I start having my doubts, I think they both have merit, but fitting them both eats a big chunk of the list, and it gets outright prohibitive if you want to give any upgrades to either one of them.


Basically, what's the consensus about Fingers and the whisky golem and what upgrades are worth it with each? Do people go with angry drunk on the golem or pass?

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Fingers vs golem is incredibly hard one.

Chatty and ability to heal is very powerful. But golem hits like an avalanche and can take a beating!

My problem is making the wrong call, find I wanted the other one for the game I played :(

Upgrades with golem dont bother when I have taken him. While Fingers I have used as a slop hauler witg the bonus healing, especially when I have moonies.

But as you say would love to take both if the price was better.

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Basically, what's the consensus about Fingers and the whisky golem and what upgrades are worth it with each? Do people go with angry drunk on the golem or pass?


I never had any success with the whiskey golem as a melee threat.  He was better used as an objective grabber that could clear out his own way.


I'm currently on the fence concerning Fingers.  He is solely a support model, but may be the best scheme layer in the game.  However, I've had too many games where his lack of combat potential cost me a win.

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I never had any success with the whiskey golem as a melee threat.  He was better used as an objective grabber that could clear out his own way.


I'm currently on the fence concerning Fingers.  He is solely a support model, but may be the best scheme layer in the game.  However, I've had too many games where his lack of combat potential cost me a win.

I can see both cases for the whiskey golem, as for Fingers, it's not just him being amazing at laying schemes, it's how good he is also at denying them, I mean, it's a no interact bubble, that is pure evil in stake a claim or squatter's rights, specially if the scheme pool is chock full of scheme marker related objectives and he also spreads a lot of poison to favor poison Brewmaster.


It's still a hefty 10 SS tag, but in the right matches he can probably singlehandedly give you all the momentum. Really really want to try the trichi...

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I can see both cases for the whiskey golem, as for Fingers, it's not just him being amazing at laying schemes, it's how good he is also at denying them, I mean, it's a no interact bubble, that is pure evil in stake a claim or squatter's rights, specially if the scheme pool is chock full of scheme marker related objectives and he also spreads a lot of poison to favor poison Brewmaster.


It's still a hefty 10 SS tag, but in the right matches he can probably singlehandedly give you all the momentum. Really really want to try the trichi...


I'm not arguing against that.  Sometimes, you just need to get 1 more wound on an enemy, which Fingers is incapable of doing.

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