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Errors, spelling/grammar/general


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Reading through the digital copy I have come across a few errors which I hope will be fixed prior to printing.

Thought a thread would be a good place to record them as and when are found to make sure wyrd is aware of them.


1st most obvious one. Fated Almanac pg 243. Every instance of the phrase 'the magia may be taken multiple times' should probably read. 'the immuto may be taken multiple times'


If this thread is unnecessary or flat out not allowed for some reason I'm unaware of please delete it but otherwise if this is allowed then I will try and add other instances of errors as I come across them.

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I'd say that the place for it was probably the through the breach testing forum, rather than on here.

It's also a bit pointless in a way - the book is already off to be printed, so it won't affect it now. If you're really concerned and want to get any errors you see fixed, then maybe message Mack and ask him about it?

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We 'might' be able to fix things on the fly with the printers (done it before but it depends on where we catch it in the process) but it'll be a squeeze. 


If you see something, point it out to us, specifically an e-mail to nathan@wyrd-games.net and I'll see that it gets to where it needs to, looked over to see if it is an error on our part, and IF we can squeeze in a last moment page edit we'll do so. 



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Even if it's too late for the first edition, it's not like Wyrd is only printing one bulk order and won't ever do another (well, I certainly hope the books sell better than that), so such information should totally be useful, if just to keep in mind for the 2nd printing.


Rather than, say, something like Palladium Books, where material is copy/pasted between various books and typos/spelling/grammar errors persist across revision after revision and literally years or decades.

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The better question is why wasn't there more editing done before sending it to the printers? Could have even released a version to the KS backers and had them proof it if your internal editors weren't confident. I posted a few errors on the KS comments but didn't seem like you guys particularly cared.

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Having written a 45,000 word thesis and helped proofread and edit several others, I know there's always going to be mistakes (I don't like mistakes, but they are unfortunately inevitable). I had mine proofed by five different people, on three occasions each, before I submitted it. Still had some typos and things. Even the people that studied it intensely for several weeks before examining me on it didn't catch them all. Spotting a handful of errors is easy. Spotting every single error is extremely difficult.


I sometimes wonder if people that complain about poor editing have ever tried to proof and edit a document the size of one of the RPG books, let alone doing it as a job and having to do multiple documents on a daily basis. It's something that seems a lot easier than it is.

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The increasing prevalence of "meh, good enough" in publishing (especially game publishing) makes me sad. At least I didn't see any obvious typos whereas our friends at GW manage to put out rulebooks with "teh" in them.


I just opened the Fatemasters_Almanac_High.pdf to a random page (146):


Col 1, Para 1, Line 8: should be ", and creating".

Para 2, Line 3: "It's" should be "Its".

Line 6: "It's" should be "Its".

Col 2, Para 2, Lines 3-4: should probably be "doing the jobs of living hounds" unless living hounds only have one job, in which case "doing the job of a living hound" sounds better. (nitpicky)

Para 3, Lines 7-8: should be "backs that, once stuck into a criminal, can".

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Having written a 45,000 word thesis and helped proofread and edit several others, I know there's always going to be mistakes (I don't like mistakes, but they are unfortunately inevitable). I had mine proofed by five different people, on three occasions each, before I submitted it. Still had some typos and things. Even the people that studied it intensely for several weeks before examining me on it didn't catch them all. Spotting a handful of errors is easy. Spotting every single error is extremely difficult.


I sometimes wonder if people that complain about poor editing have ever tried to proof and edit a document the size of one of the RPG books, let alone doing it as a job and having to do multiple documents on a daily basis. It's something that seems a lot easier than it is.


How many of those people did you pay to proof your thesis? :) Would you have been happy with mistakes remaining had you done so?

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