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De Cantiacorumj ludi magna - Canterbury, Kent, 17th May


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looks like we will be going to the new century Chinese this time as they are much cheaper.


if everyone is ok then i am not adverse to grudges for round one, though i will not listen to any calls of foul play.


as to deciding, the deadline is when i come and poke you to sign you in.

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Don't worry Mike, I'm struggling with the same problem. I have Marcus as a default, unless I get really inspired by something else before then. Like Hamelin, Or Lucius, Or an off wall outcast crew based around Ashes and dust but not using Levi. Or Ressurectionests. Or Squirrals. Wait, not squirrals.

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Very pleased to win Best Hobbyist. I think the main reason was my Puppet Lady Justice crew https://www.dropbox.com/sc/kxask05nkouzit0/AAB1LJM61AUiwa74SbzHwNC3a

Thanks to my opponents Phil, Zachary, Mike and Stephen for great games. Learnt a lot about some different masters, and they learnt that Lady J is tougher than she looks!

Many thanks to Joe for a very well organised event.

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thanks everyone for coming, hope you all enjoyed yourselves and have found something to do with what ever you won.


hope there weren't too many problems occurring. if there are any improvements that can be made then please let me know and i will try to implement them next time.


the results can be found here


lets hope i can get another one done some time soon, and get me some points.  :D

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I would Like to thank everyone involved. Joe for Organising the day, gettign a great deal of swag, and thne having to be the odd man out for the day. All the Crusdars for rallying round and putting a great set of boards out for the day.

My opponents, Dave, James, Lee and Jan for 4 great games, and everyone that travelled down to the event. We had a huge number of new players, who seemed to enjoy themselves during the day, so thank you to everyone that helped with that.


We are hoping to do another one later in the year (I'm Thinking Rankingfaux just before trhe GT to allow a last gasp effort to get a 4th score, but watch this space...)


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yup much fun was had, and the boards where lavish indeed! 


the amount of swag was staggering, been out of the malifaux circuit for a good while and this was pretty much my first foray after only only 3 ME2 games, so misunderstood quite a few of the new schemes/strategies (and a few models not used before like the marionette) but can certainly see what would do differently next time.


found out not to go for the "assassinate" scheme on Leveticus...doh.


was really impressed with the painting level of the models being used, and kudos to David for his puppet crew.


thanks to Mike for literally pointing me through the last turn with collodi allowing me to get a win rather then a draw. 


now to get the crew fully painted and actually practice for kermitfaux - definetly some more tricks can get out of the puppet master yet. 

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Thanks to everyone who attended, it was a great first tournament for me and I look forward to more.


Big thanks to Joe for running a smooth awesome event, with a fantastic amount of swag and great prize pool and also for organising the lovely meal.


Thanks to my opponents Mike, Scott, James and Patrick for 4 very different and enjoyable games.

Especially Mike for breaking me into the tournament scene gently, I guess he can always claim he went easy on me.


Finally, others I haven't mentioned like Lee, Pete (the other Tractor Massive), Ben and Oz, Mike H, Zac, too many people to remember so I'm sorry if I haven't mentioned you. Just in general, all the people I have spoken to on twitter for months, finally getting to speak in person, making me feel so welcome and also just being the friendliest people on the planet.


Oh, I did say finally, but I guess I should also thank my crew; Aaron for making me look good by placing lower than me and Jan, being an absolute legend driving us up and taking down the tournament.

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