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De Cantiacorumj ludi magna - Canterbury, Kent, 17th May


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So myself, "Fuckin' Jam" Jan Proudley (@clankers86) and Aaron Bailey (@aaronbailey17) will be coming.

First tournament for me, be gentle.


I'll be busting out Mei Feng as Arcanists, probably losing a lot and then hearing Mike tell me that Misaki is so much better.


Pretty sure Jan is taking Gremlins and Aaron is taking... something, he has a lot.


I will paypal the money from all 3 of us, hopefully tomorrow (monday)night.



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great to have you guys sign up, lets hope you enjoy yourselves.


thanks for the offer Dave, that would be great, as we are scraping the reserves at the mo, especially for scatter. also anyone else who would like to bring a little scenery would be great, it may not be used but it is better to not have a load of guild :ram  friendly boards. what am i saying we have plenty of stuff and loads of sight lines so no worries :D


looking forward to it and everyone having a great day.


also i will be looking to book a table for the after meal Thursday evening, so if people want to come then can i have a definitive answer by then. it is looking like either all you can eat Chinese or  Curry, so please make a preference known.


all the best



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the rules pack is here


rulse pack


for information,


counter attack have provided us with some new funky measuring do-dads, but at the moment i have had to pay for them out of my own pocket so will be selling them on the day, unless we get more people involved and can increase the amount of money in, to cover the cost. 


food is not provided, though there is a chippy and chinese takeaway 5 mins walk away. though if enough people want it i can get some pizzas ordered in for about £5 per person, give or take on numbers. this i will need to know early on during the day to make sure i can get them in on time.


the best hobbyist award is voted for for each opponent during each game, including both painting and sportsmanship. 


and best in faction will be decided by the person who scores the most points for their given faction, rather than their placing. 


any questions or queries please feel free to contact me or post here. i will try and respond but life and small child get in the way a little.


have fun



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final preparations are underway, player packs are nearly complete, prizes are organised, just need to get the rules pack//score sheets printed. 


i think the general consensus chinese, there is a rather nice all you can eat not to far from the hall and a car park even closer.


i will book for 28, but we can probably squeeze in a few more, unless anyone specifically wants to not come.


looking forward to seeing you all.

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