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The New Gremlins?


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Okay I found this artwork of Ophelia LaCroix and I do hope she'll end up looking like that... ah except for the hot pants that is, I don't mind pants that are very worn and ripped, but hot pants, that’s just wrong, I can’t see Perdita wearing hot pants as that would totally ruin image of her being a nasty gunlinger.

Here is some artwork of Ophelia, by the way, I'm not 100% sure if this is Wyrd artwork but it seems to be.


There were some other artwork of some of the other crew members like Pere Ravage, Rami and some Asian gremlins.

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The original Perditta sculpt is spot on for the Western stand-off pose, this art's a little stale imo. I've no intention to replace my metal Kin, but I'll wait to see the plastics before I make up my mind ^^

I'm probably going to buy the new Ophelia Crew when it gets out no matter what even if its only to get Ophelia, just to bad I won't be able to get her by her self so I can have 6 Ophelias like I have now of the old ones, all painted differently, okay two of them are to be converted so its only 4 that is painted :)

Edited by WalkingInBlack
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The only thing that bothers me about the new art is it seems that her hair and hat are going different directions in the same gust of wind.

The wind seems to effect long female hair differently in Malifaux.

The only thing that bothers me about the new gremlins is lack of noses... sigh

This isn't new.

Now dont start that again!

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This isn't new.

Perhaps, but what about this. If you combine metal gremlins with new plastic ones, some will have noses and some will not. Also what about Wong He's got a nose, are they going to redesign him even thou he's plastic? Unlikely, but then again he's a master now.

As I write this I suddenly remember that all wave one gremlins got pushed back (kind of) do you think there's a connection?

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Perhaps, but what about this. If you combine metal gremlins with new plastic ones, some will have noses and some will not. Also what about Wong He's got a nose, are they going to redesign him even thou he's plastic? Unlikely, but then again he's a master now.

As I write this I suddenly remember that all wave one gremlins got pushed back (kind of) do you think there's a connection?

Obviously, they're all going in for rhinoplasty.

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Perhaps, but what about this. If you combine metal gremlins with new plastic ones, some will have noses and some will not. Also what about Wong He's got a nose, are they going to redesign him even thou he's plastic? Unlikely, but then again he's a master now.

As I write this I suddenly remember that all wave one gremlins got pushed back (kind of) do you think there's a connection?

It isn't a question about "old" vs "new"

It isn't a question about metals vs plastic

Gremlins have *always* has some models with noses, and some without.

So, that *definitely* being the case: if plastic Ophelia had no nose (as appears to be the case) you could have cause to get upset. But *equally*, if plastic Ophelia *did*have a nose, you would probably be getting upset as well anyway...

If it helps, perhaps we're looking at two slightly different subspecies. Who knows (nose?)...

I don't think the nose "controversy" is connected to the wait for Gremlin plastics, because it's a non-issue. I think it's possible that the "Gremlins as a new faction" change happened relatively late in M2E development which put them down the queue in terms of art generation. Remember - Brewmaster didn't appear in the beta art files until half way through Wave 1, whereas many other masters were shown straight away (and hence ready to progress to sculpting stage). Somer Teeth art in the M2E rulebook was his old "alt" art, so he's even further down the production queue...

Edited by Mike3838
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