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Top heavy bases/Light models


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So I'm running into a problem that I would normally solve by putting a nickle or other source on the bottom of the base. I have no idea on what I could use to give the bases some weight to them especially with the m2e Lady J crew since a few of them seem to be a little fragile with me putting them on cork. Do you guys have any recommendations. I thought maybe washers, but not sure if they make them in the appropriate size I would need.

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I'd like to help but can you clarify what you're trying to do, your post isn't clear. You want to add weight to your bases because? You're worried about doing this why?

I'm sure we'll be able to help better if we know what you're trying to do. Thanks! :)

Edited by mythicFOX
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I assume you are running into the same problem most of us with the plastic Death Marshalls are having, stopping them from falling over. My only suggestion would be to glue coins to their bases or something of a similar size / weight to keep the bases heavy. I tried to GS the area in and it only really helps a little. If your mounting them on cork as well then you really want to use washers or something like that.

You could look into something like a 30mm thrust or penny washer. These seem like they would suit your purpose if in fact this is the problem you are having. They are pretty weighty and cheap as chips. I can get a bag of 100 for about £4-6.

As for being fragile, I wouldn't worry about it, I used the notoriously rubbish Games Workshop Thin Plastic glue to put my LJ crew together and they have never broken since. Even the dodgy looking Death Marshall connections when they are surfing or hopping over their Pine Boxes, dropped off a table and bounced back unscathed!

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sorry I wasn't clear enough. My sleep deprived mind made perfect sense of my nonsense ;)

Yes, the Death Marshals are very light and I had set mine ontop of Cork as I try to go with a bit more of a dynamic base (actually will have cork, winter tuff, and light snow on the bases). So I'm just a bit worried since I didn't drill through the base and pin the model to the bottom that it's light weight will cause it to tip over and just break off the cork itself.

I'll buy a bag of Thrusts and see if they work, thanks for the advice MasterDisaster.

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I'll second the fishing weight recommendation - the little round ones that look like tiny metal Pacmen? Pacmans? They're super cheap and because they're made of lead you can squish them down really easily with a pair of pliers so you can cram a whole bunch into the underside of your base. Either just use superglue to stick them in place or glom a bunch of greenstuff around them.

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I would strongly suggest pinning the models to the bases. Even if you just get the pin into the cork, it will help immensely. As for weighting the base itself, all of the above work fine. I would even add that if you are doing cork bases, you can embed the weights into the cork itself depending on how many layers of cork you have.

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So I'm just a bit worried since I didn't drill through the base and pin the model to the bottom that it's light weight will cause it to tip over and just break off the cork itself.

I Do not worry about them breaking off the cork. The models may be tipsy but they are very lightweight. I have my entire Mei Feng, Misaki and Rasputina crews on various degrees of elaborate cork and no pinning. They have taken off the table swan dives and survived. I even have my Mei Feng stuff magnetized for my Malifaux toolchest and the dont pull of the cork.

As for the wibbly wobblyness of some of them the washers are a good fix.

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